May 10, 2007 22:00
Ok.. it's been forever and a day again! Man, I have a lot of forevers in my lifetime.
So much has happened that I don't care to write about. Let's just say it's been a long month. However, everyone is alive and somewhat well these days.
Do you have people n your life that are just so damn ignorant it amazes you how they function in everyday life? How they remember to breath! It's grinding on my every last nerve these days. I should be more patient it's just been such my challenge. Between that and the "worry off" switch not working I am going to make my ticker explode.
So, here it is 10:23 on a day off.. the first of one in a long time. All, I have done is run. From sun up to... well, the sun has been asleep for hours now. Man, I sound like a negative old lady at bingo, puffing away on a pack of smokes. "Damn that man, doesn't he know how to pick the winning numbers. He should have stayed with his wife, that's all he's good for!!! Screw him!!!! I am never coming back to this sorry ass bingo hall ever again!"
:) Ok, I feel better. That is one mental image I have to put full effort towards never becoming.
On a positive note...
Today was Mother/child Breakfast at Nic's school. It was so nice. I really had a great time. Most days I let life kick me in the butt and I don't take the moments often enough where you take a step back and realize how blessed I really am. The kids had made us a DVD card. She used the most amazing words to describe me. I am so honored! I have my work cut out for me too!
And if that wasn't enough... Sam had her first root canal. Why are they so damn expensive? And what was I thinking taking her shopping afterward?? Duh!
Well, if you pray, please pray tomorrow for Nic. She'll be performing in the school talent show. I am nervous for her. She's going to be fabulous though. The poor thing was so exhausted tonight when she finally got home from dress rehearsal for church (9:30) that she looked at the slice of pizza and just started bawling her eyes out. I gave her a long hug, a kiss and sent her off to bed. Told her that pizza was not worth losing 15 more minutes of sleep. She agreed. I think she was out my 9:32.
I am thinking I am going to go join her. I thank you for letting me ramble. If you stuck with all of this, I am grateful for you!
Lots of love,