June 24, 2010

Jun 24, 2010 18:00

It's been quite a while here...
• Still here in IL.
• I'm married to an amazing Husband, George.
• We bought a house. Cute little thing.
• Still working in printing.
• I should be going to my 10year high school reunion...but since I'd be the only one there it would be kinda pointless.

...Yea a little more has happened then what a nut shell could hold...even a coconut shell...even though I'm not quite sure if a coconut qualifies as a true nut.
...My co-worker who knows many wonderful trivia things isn't sure...I'm actually shocked.
......wait she "doesn't want to explain the homogenious properties of nuts". correction It's latin. so it's spelled: homogeneous. She just corrected my post.

This is why I have remained on good terms with her...
a) she understands me.
b) she's good in a fist fight.
c) she totally knows all strange and odd facts...she's kick my butt in trivial pursuit.

...side note spelling and humor/sarcasm we balance each other.
*just "miss quoted her"
the above is grammer or lack there of is really ticking her off.
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