Doctor Who Fic: Hidden Evil 1/?

Apr 28, 2010 20:48

Fic: Hidden Evil 1/? 
Fandom: Doctor Who/ Crossover (I kinda want to leave it hidden for now as it's a litte obsure and I don't want to scare people off who are like wtf is is that? lol, not a lot of knowledge needed about the crossover, I will explain all.)
Pairing: Doctor/Rose 
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Doctor and Rose head to Northern California in the year 1996, and find something festering in the United States that has the power to destroy the entire universe if left unchecked. 
Word Count: About 1,500 for this part.
Disclaimer: Made for fun not profit, completely not my universe, characters, or idea.

Author’s Note: New fanfic set shortly after the tenth doctor and Rose start out together. Don’t want to give too much away, but goodies to who guesses the crossover J

“Here we are then! The good old USA! The year you ask? 1996! Northern California! Beautiful isn’t it?” The Doctor’s voice carries over Rose as she steps out of the Tardis and into the sunlight.

“And why are we here? I mean it’s pretty and all, but not really one of our usual stops. And I don’t really need to visit the 90’s, been there done that type of thing.”

“Excellent question! We are here because I sense that something has changed.”

“Really? You sensed it? You’re that attuned to the natural order of the universe that you can sense when evil is afoot?”

“Yes, yes I am.”

Rose continues to stare.

“And I got a text.”

“But texting isn’t around in this time. Is it? I mean I wasn’t texting at this time, but then again I was like ten, but I’m pretty sure texting wasn’t around, cell phones yes, but no texting to be heard of.”

“Right you are Rose, but this text wasn’t from 1996, it just told me to come here from the future. With the usual warning of the end of the world and so forth, so here we are.”

“Warning like come here or I will end the world? Or warning like intervene here to save the world?”

“Intervene to save. I think. It’s a text, kinda hard to read into the intentions of it.” The Doctor says while looking at his newly acquired cell phone. “I also didn’t recognize the number which means it’s probably a future friend. But it’s always nice to know I am going to continue being sociable, when the weird meeting of people I meet in the future stop, that’s when you get worried, because it means you’re future self isn’t meeting any new people, which is just-“

“Alright then Velma, let’s start looking for clues!” Rose cuts the Doctor off before he can really get going.

“Velma? Why am I Velma? I’m not a girl.”

“Yes, but you’re the brains, I of course am the beauty, so I’m Daphne, blond hair and all.”

“Alright then, I suppose that makes some sort of sense in your simple 21st century human mind.”

“No need to get snippy, I’ll let you be Shaggy later.”

Rose grabs his hand, and they walk away from the tightly locked up Tardis toward the city, enjoying the beautiful day.


“Ok I am seeing no evil. Lots of happy people, the ocean, and a sign for a zoo I am feeling a childish need to beg you to take me to, but no evil.” Rose looks around the completely average town they are investigating with little interest. “I mean usually the evil finds us and is blatantly obvious. I am seeing nothing going on here.”

“I know.” The Doctor’s voice has a dark edge to it that makes Rose look at his face and see a grim expression that she’s only seen there few times in the past.

“Evil that hides is the worst kind of all. It’s organized, preying on the weak, waiting for exactly the right moment to attack. It’s deep within the fabrics of society, so deep it’s almost impossible to see. It’s in the schools, the playgrounds, in every house on every street. It’s so overwhelming that by the time anyone notices anything’s wrong, it’s too late because they’ve already got you.”

Rose feels a chill run up her spine, and the once happy street now feels foreign and invasive.

“What is it then?”

“I don’t know. But something’s wrong, I can feel it. And it’s much, much bigger than I expected.”

“So what do we do?”

“We’re going to go back to the TARDIS, I want to scan a few things, see if there are any clues to what’s going on here. “

“Ok then. I’m going to grab a few newspapers, see if there is anything there.” The Doctor nods to her as he goes to pet a cat who is lounging in the sun. “Don’t wander off!” he calls over his shoulder making her eyes roll.

When has she ever wandered off?

Back at the TARDIS, the Doctor is fiddling with the computer while Rose makes herself comfortable and begins to read.

“Ok so all of these papers seem pretty normal. No signs of hidden evil, all the basic crime reports and fluff pieces, including a golden retriever that saved a drowning man.” Rose says while skimming through one of the five newspapers she grabbed.

“Really a golden retriever?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Nothing, I just like dogs. If I ever get one, now I know what kind.”

Rose eyes him suspiciously, but continues on.

“But I did see one thing that seemed kind of weird in a ‘too good to be true’ way. There is this volunteer group mentioned multiple times in every paper that is all about ‘family time, helping the poor, and saving the environment’. And its name is ‘The Sharing’, that’s a creepy name if I ever heard one. It raises questions, like sharing what? Goodwill or unspeakable evil alien technology that turns you into a cyberperson? Who knows?”

“Hmm, interesting. I noticed a bunch of fliers for ‘The Sharing’ while we were in town. They were all over the place. And from what the TARDIS is telling me, it’s not only around here. It’s across the entire United States, and even some in Canada. A group that has spread that far in five years does raise some questions…”

“Oooh let’s investigate! There’s a picnic meeting tonight at 7:00pm to attract new members with free food and games, I say we go check it out, look for more information.”

“Alright Scooby, if you insist.”

“I told you I was Daphne!”


“If we’re going on the assumption that too nice equals evil, then these people are definitely it.” Rose says while watching a group of teenager voluntarily picking up garbage and looking after the younger children with enthusiasm for the game duck-duck-goose.

“Not too nice, there is no such thing as too nice. We are looking for nice with a catch or nice with strings attached, or the conditional niceness that leads to the end of the world.” The Doctor says while looking up at the sky at what looks to be a large bird of some sort.

“What’s that?” Rose says while looking up with him.

“Nothing, just a bird…” The Doctor seems to be thinking for a moment.

“Ok, so suspicious about the group? Or is this too nice the good too nice?” Rose asks to get the Doctor’s wandering mind back on the task at hand.

“Well based on the fact they have lengthy admission program for a volunteer group, I would say suspicious. Most volunteer activities, you show up and you’re in. But not this one… why? Because they need you to trust them, they need you invested, and just when they have you, when you’re admitted into the group, that’s when you want out…”

“Why? What do you think they’re doing?” Rose asks while looking at the large group of people gathered on the beach eating hotdogs with their family and friends.

“I don’t know. But whatever it is, it’s happening tomorrow night.”

“How do you know?”

“Because that man over there just told his friend he’s being initiated tomorrow night. And I am guessing, and my guesses are usually right, that that’s when the bad thing happens.”

“How could you know that?”

“Because I’m the Doctor.”

doctor who

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