today was blah.. i had lots of physical therapy, which made me pretty sore. then i was off to red bank to visit the doctor, who told me i have to go to a specialist. after all the driving i did today (which doesnt seem like much, but it kills my back) im not looking forward to driving out to red bank tomorrow AGAIN so they can tell me im fibrocystic, which i already knew.. so now i have boneitis, and a specialist to go to.. fantastic. i nearly lost my mind today with things spinning around in my head. i almost went to the library to borrow 'welcome to the monkey house,' but my copy has to be somewhere. (and if not i can always swing by and pick up a copy/play a good game of scrabble : P )
instead of reading i drove brent to wind ensemble to say hi to gattsek. when i got there he informed me of the lack of horn players that day, so i got one out and read down the music with them. i had played most of it before, but i played the flute part.. (hah, *tried to play* the flute part) so it was fun to sight read. : )(heh, since i can do that now and all..)
anyhow, after wind ensemble i came home and helped brent out with his homework. he had to analyize some sonnets..
sonnet 75
one day i wrote her name upon the strand.
but came the waves and washed it away:
again i wrote it with a second hand.
but came the tide, and made my pains his prey.
'vain man,' said she, 'that doest in vain assay.
a mortal thing so to immortalize,
for i myself shall like to this decay,
and eek my name be wiped out likewise.'
'not so,' quod i, 'let baser things devise.
to die in dust, but you shall live by fame:
my verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
and in the heavens write your glorious name.
where whenas death shall all the world subdue,
our love shall live, and later life renew.'
not quite sure why.. i just really liked it : )