cardiff bored

Jul 13, 2006 17:28

Random Quiz stolen from libmix

1.) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
start the water

2.) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
yes I do, in the shower. there's nothing else to read.

3.) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercial?
depends who I'm in the shower with ;)

4.) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?

5.) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
not shower, we only had a bath when we were young

6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?

7.) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?

8.) How old do you look?
Depends who you ask. only a few months there was the Virgin debacle where the woman wouldn't believe I was over 15. 15!!

9.) How old do you act?
Depends on who I'm with. Sergio and I are one step away from running and telling our mothers on each other at work.

10.) What's the last song you sang?
Control Myself with the zzzzh's and everything

11.) Have you recently become a member of anything?
Myspace - I am now a myspace whore

12.) What are your plans for the weekend?
See my kids

14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
No but I would love to

15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after eating?

16.) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
I'd be Captain

17.) Have you ever called anyone a name?
Yes, I often call people by their names..oh you mean in a meanie way. Yes.

18) Have you ever been called a name?
Yes. My sister's favourite is Smelly.

19) have you ever smuggled anything into the us?
Which us?

20.) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?

21.) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
I live in London. Take from that what you will

22). Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
I always finsih the popcorn. Apart from the other night but it wasn't very nice

23). How many people do you think would come to your funeral?
None. I'm not having one.

24). How many of them would come just to make sure you're dead?
Don't know

25). Do you have more enemies or more friends?
I think I have frenemies

26.) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
I don't think so. According to the mothership, I once sent a letter to my friend marf saying 'To Marf, everyone hates you, love Lucy' I'm so blonde.

27.) Can you fix your own car?
I don't have a car. but surely that's what mechanics are for

28) have you ever turned any one down for a date?
Yes, everyday.

29.) Are you smarter than your friends?
Of course! *Ignores fact that most friends have or will be getting degrees and I only have rubbish GCSES* (hehehe stolen)

30.) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
Nothing that I could admit here *evil laugh*

31.) Have you ever been to jail?

33) Do you like the smell of beer?
Ewww no

34.) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
I don't think so actually.

35.) Have you ever given to charity?

36.) Would you kill a dog for $1000?

37.) Do you sometimes get depressed?
All the time

38.) Do you live with your parents?
thank fuck, no

39.) Do you have plans for your future?
Yes and thousand and one plans. the problem is deciding which one is the best.
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