
Mar 08, 2008 22:48

So it's not OK to say anything negative or critical of Islam, but it IS okay to call for the death of certain countries?

And another thing folks don't seem to realize. If you take a look at the Mohammed cartoons that were circulated, most of them were political satire in the traditional style.

The ones that caused the most uproar (like the one calling Mohammed a pedophile) were crudely and amateurishly drawn, after the fact, in order to blatantly piss off Muslims and incite violence. They matched the overall set neither in content nor style. There was a message to all of the cartoons except the two in question.

Frankly I suspect a plant, probably by a "Muslim extremist" in order to get people worked up.

But fundamentally the issue is, do we uphold the freedom to criticize and/or mock a religion, be it Christianity, Paganism or Islam, or do we pander to Muslims (or Christians et al.) out of fear and misguided notions of  what it means to be an inclusive and tolerant society.

Tolerant of what? Threats and violence?
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