gotta jump on the bandwagon.

Jan 02, 2005 02:26

First best friend(s): amy sohn and andria bohling
First car: plymoth breeze.
First real kiss: stuart ray
First break-up: tyler word
First screen name: dawnflanders3
First funeral: my grandpa, just last year
First pets: christoper the cat. eaten by dogs. not a good experience.
First piercing: ears. first real real piercing, belly button
First true love: stuart ray in the sixth grade. but the first person i was IN love with was josh.

Last cigarette: never. but in the sixth grade my best friend machen had a cigarette and lit it and i pretended to take a puff to look cool. haha.
Last car ride: 12:30 on the way home from my personal trainer's house.
Last kiss: i kissed my grandma on the cheek. real kiss...josh
Last good cry: in front of patricks house
Last library book checked out: sylvia plath- bell jar
Last movie seen: garden state
Last phone call: brad called while i was on the phone with james
Last time showered: today around 4 in the afternoon
Last shoes worn: flip flops
Last CD played: garden state soundtrack
Last item bought: garden state movie and soundtrack. umm. and kfc.
Last annoyance: initials J.N.
Last disappointment: talking to someone online every single night and it never fails that he just disappears without saying goodbye.
Last time wanting to die: the second i feel like dying i realize that im being overdramatic and slap myself.
Last shirt worn: my brand new concert t
Last website visited:
Last word you said: wrong? (from the sentence..."what's wrong?")
Last song you sang: Caring is creepy -the shins
Last movie you rented: anchorman and one hour photo
Last movie you bought: garden state
Last song that was stuck in your head: nothing gets crossed out- bright eyes
Last person you called: hannah
Last person who called you: josh
Last TV show you watched: MADE
Last person you were thinking of: stephanie. i seem to think about her alot. cant help it :/. it seems we both read eachothers journals religiously.
Last person who slept in your bed other than you: slept? gosh. maybe amanda?
Last person who saw you cry: josh's mom, last night
Last person who made you cry: josh
Last person u went to the movies with: Eric Hughes :)
Last person who yelled at you: Josh
Last person who sent you an email: patrick, a long time ago
Last person u hugged?: aaron whitaker
Last person u yelled at?: i never really yell....umm. i would have to say.....maybe josh? i dont know.
Last person u laughed with?: patrick telling his pototoe story. HA. or me and aaron exchaging stories about kidz kamp "DONT PEE IN THE SAND MONTANA"
Last person u had a crush on?: i dont crush anymore.
Last person who broke your heart?: patrick, but i did it to myself.

Current mood: wide awake, nervous for some reason, lost
Current music: jeff buckley- mojo pin
Current taste: dr.pepper
Current hair: straight and smelling like herbal essences
Current clothes: jean capris from xxi, dark blue 'brand new' concert t
Current annoyance(s): initials J.N., my computer doesnt load on its have to press REFRESH ON EVERY NEW FREAKING PAGE, josh being a jerk, myself.
Current desktop picture: garden state picture
Current hate: my next door neighbor lucas kinser's car alarm. its so sensitive. at three in the morning it will go off for NO REASON.

1. Black or white? white, so fresh and so clean clean
2. Boxers or briefs? boxers. boxerbriefs and briefs are scary. boys should have growing room.
3. Coke or Pepsi? dr. pepper
4. Salt or pepper? salt
5. Sweet or sour? i love sour
6. Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
7. Happy or Scary movies?: happy
8. Watch a sunrise/sunset?: sunset
9. Silly or serious romantic?: silly romantic
10. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? at home

1. Color: blue
2. Song: waltz #2- elliott smith
3. Scents: aura by american eagle. my favorite boyish smell is...umm....POLO by ralph lauren. that is orgasmic.
4. Alcoholic Beverage: wine. i know, im gay.
5. Food: chinese and mexican

1. clothes
2. my class ring
3. the ring eric gave me
4. my new fossil watch (it blinks red hearts)
5. me and patricks friendship bracelets

1. listen to sad music (bored and sad music is NOT a good combo)
2. eat. (again, NOT good)
3. take showers
4. watch movies
5. write/read

1. kelly/josh
2. my dad
3. lacey/sondie/madeline/hannah
4. patrick/james
5. brian brown/keegan miller/everyone else in the old group

1. music
2. dr.pepper/pickles
3. the people in my life that i love and who love me
4. my good luck key chain from when my parents were together
5. my grandpas blanket

1. What should you be doing right now? sleeping
2. Define freakish: my brother kevin. hes not a freak, hes just a little freakish.
3. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? why, yes, it is.
4. What would your dream date be? someone taking me to the magical time machine as a surprise, allowing me to laugh and have the funnest night of my life and then taking me to their house for a romantic dessert
5. Do you consider yourself a romantic? yes
6. What room is your computer in? my computer room
7. What is your shoe size? 7.5/8
9. Who do you consider your best friend? kelly
10. Do you have braces? not since 5th grade
11. Do you wear glasses/ contacts? nope

Had a crush on someone? yes
Wished you could live somewhere else? yes, NY with my family, Colorado where i can ski, or california/florida where its sunny
Had a long distance relationship? for a little while.
Used someone? not intentionally.
Killed people? if i did why would i post it online? never. and i cant imagine going to that extreme
Teenage smoking? no
Driven drunk? no
Been arrested? no
Cried over a boy/girl? yes
Been in a fist fight? no
Said "I love you" and meant it? yes
Gone out in public in your pajamas? yes
Cried during a movie? yes
Been on stage? yes, countless times.
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