I promised Ashkevran that I would post this ;-D
My daughter and I went for a walk in an area we had never walked before. There was a long spit of a canal on the right and houses on the left--and this fellow. He made me smile. There was an apple tree shading him, and someone had left a few apples beside him.
Putting myriad cats and fandom magnets under the cut.
Everyone comments on Starsky's prodigious tail when they see it, it's far thicker and much longer than the other two cats.
Tegan in her favorite place--a box (containing zines) in the closet.
Mousie always enjoys a small corner in the room. I was surprised to find this on my camera, I think my daughter's friend took this one and the one of Tegan, too.
And because granderobino posted a shot of her magnets (some of which I had made)--here's my fridge door. Demelza once counted that there are only four of her and many more of Starsky and Hutch! oops (BTW--it's hard to read the white magnet that CC made for me but it says Step away from the fridge. Good. Now go back to your desk and start writing.
That's all folks! Hope it's a good Saturday for you. Demelza seems to have cramps, so we'll see if I go to work and nurse sick babies or stay home and nurse a crampy teenager.