School is closed! Due to rain.
I frequently go back to bed after Demelza leaves for school: The fact that we arrive home from Demelza's caregiver's house (D takes a late evening nap there) and my work at 12:15 am, combined with the need to wake up at 6:30 am to get her ready for school makes me two of the dwarfs (sleepy and grumpy). D's bus was late today, so I'd crawled back into bed and seemed like seconds later, Demelza called to tell me the news. Then the school department called. Then the teacher.
I really cannot recall that ever happening before: in my lifetime! Although there was a time when I was ten when there was so much rain and flooding that might have been possible but I'm pretty sure that occured was on a weekend. It has been raining heavily and steadily since mid-yesterday. Because I was at work most of Monday, I have no idea about flooding, but I am sure there is some. The area where Demelza's college is was so prone to incidental flooding that when I attended the same school, extra days were slotted into the school calendar, just in case of the creek overflowing!
So, luckily the bus will fetch Demelza back home, and it's my day off. I am concerned about one of her friends, in particular, and have sent messages off to that girl's mom that I could watch her if needed.
Had a busy, busy eleven hour shift yesterday, so yay, extra money to use for Revelcon next month. All of a sudden, when February started, I realized that the con is barely a month away! I leave on March 9th for Houston.
I guess I should get dressed and bleerily greet D when she returns, but I am sleepy, chilly (that friend of Snow White's we never hear about) and playing Farmville with Starsky on my lap. So not yet.