Demelza's at camp!

Jul 22, 2016 10:00

Demelza goes to camp every summer--she's gone to Camp Harmon since she was nine, except for one year when she went to a different special needs camp also owned by Easter Seals. She would like to live there and talks about her favorite counselors for the entire year between visits.

she almost always goes with a friend, and for the last three years it has been Savannah. They had the same counselor Kat for the last two years. Last July, the week after camp, Demelza made an art project, a paving stone set with colored rocks, with a caregiver coincidentally named Kat--and planned to give the stone to counselor Kat. For twelve months, I tried to tell her that Kat would probably not be there for a third year in a row. She probably got a full time job.

We drove into camp Wednesday, parking almost parallel to the sign-in area. Kat saw Demelza and Savannah get out of the car and actually ran over to them, as if they were her long lost buds. She had, for the third year, requested that they be in her cabin! Just so incredibly sweet. What a memory for me--and them. Once we got to the cabin, Demelza presented the paving stone she had kept all year to Kat. Kat was quite touched.

And I am alone for three and a half more days! Only one actual day off--Saturday--because I am taking the opportunity to work extra hours while D isn't around so I can have cash to go to cons. Tomorrow, however, I will write on my Pros fic in the morning and go to see the new Star Trek movie with friends in the afternoon. Squee.

random musing

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