We went to the fair--there were Stormtroopers there.

Jul 06, 2016 11:58

I'm a bit behind in my updates: we went to the county fair last Thursday and Friday. Typical fair-- pig judging (and pig races), the horse show, vegetables on display, cotton candy and LOTS of carnival rides. As I get older, I no longer care to ride around in circles until I puke. I let Demelza do it!

Thursday, Demelza's special needs riding stable had entered four girls in one event, so we were excited. As with last year, when she only led a horse around the ring, we had to arrive early and then wait. And wait. And wait. Over two hours later, I'm getting nervous. I mentally planned that if they were not on horses, riding to the ring by 12:45, I would call in sick because I needed to get D to her caregivers' by 1:30 and me to work before three.

What time did they get on horses? Yep. 12:45. Don't know if I caused that by my superior mental acuity or what. Demelza wasn't used to the English saddle and fell forward on her horse as she mounted. She'd been in high spirits up until then, but that was the last straw for her. Plus, she was mounted probably five or more minutes before the other girls, so had to parade around the ring three times waiting for them while the announcer got her name wrong. (I went over and corrected her pronunciation.) D got testy. Finally, Demelza did her presentation very nicely, in my opinion. The other three girls did theirs. Demelza got third place and her friend Dani won first place! They were given ribbons, and Dani also got a belt buckle.

I admired the belt buckle and then peered more closely. It was quite pretty, with a gold plated horse and 4-H club symbols--and Marin Fair spelled so incorrectly it took me a moment to realize what it said. Marian Fiar. Nope. Not even close.

Demelza burst into tears trying to dismount and had to be led around for five more minutes to calm down while I gathered up our stuff. She was still sobbing when we got in the car and halfway to her caregiver's house. Really not totally sure why since she'd won a ribbon and had a good time--mostly. I think it was too long a wait and the English saddle was so different than western.

Ah, well.

Friday, I picked her up after summer school at noon and we hit the fair. I was starving, so we headed for my favorite Thai food booth. Which wasn't there! Waah. I'd had my mouth set on Thai iced tea. We made do with Mexican, and Demelza headed for the carnival rides. After two, and one midway game where she won an ugly purple stuffed dog, we went inside to meet the Star Wars contingency. I'm not sure if it is because George Lucas and his company are originally from our county or just because there is a dedicated Star Wars club in the area but there are always stormtroopers and other paraphenalia. We've seen Darth Vader and Han in Carbonite in the past. This year, Princess Leia with her buns was greeting fans. It's the best part of the fair for geeky me.

Once D had a Powerpuff girl Henna tattoo on her arm, she was ready to go. We'd only been there for two hours. I was perfectly happy to go home for a nap because I was running on only five hours of sleep (had yoga before the fair).

Refreshed and happy after pizza for dinner, we went out to see The Legend of Tarzan. Don't bother. Skarsgard looks fantastic stripped to the waist as Tarzan, Margot Robie is gorgeous as Jane and Samual Jackson quite funny as their friend George, but I found the movie alternately Marvel 'verse violent and boring.

Still watching Masters of Sex with absolute delight and catching up on Duchovny in Aquarius.

Reading: The Great and Terrible Beauty (meh), James Patterson's The Fourth of July (Fun, but I could have written that book) and Sex at Dawn. (a non-fiction study of the evolution of sexual practices. My friend gave it to me 'cause my name is in the title. lol)

The ICN is mega-hopping right now, and I had a sicker than shit baby on Sunday, then back to my quiet feeder/grower assignment on Monday. I hope I get the latter today, but you never know in the nursery!

star wars, horse show, county fair

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