May the Fourth be with you!

May 04, 2016 09:22

Yes, today is Star Wars day--May the Fourth. I truly delight in a day celebrating a great movie 'verse that also works as a pun.

I realized yesterday that it's definitely time for my two favorite cons--SHarecon and Bistocon. I need a new key chain fob! The fob with pictures of Starsky and Hutch fell off my key chain when I was locking the front door. I did manage to get it back on with the pliers but the plastic covering the pictures is cracked.

Which reminds me--several years ago, I lost my keys. Turns out, I had left them in the mailbox when I got the mail. Luckily, my across the hall neighbor got them and handed them back the next day. I'd put out a flyer in the mail area with the description: lost--keyring with picture of Starsky and Hutch. What it didn't say was that Starsky and Hutch were kissing in the picture! lol The neighbor either didn't notice or simply didn't comment. ;-) I have a different one now.

Continuing on the theme of fandom cons--GO TO ONE. Even if you think "I won't know anyone. I'm shy." I urge you to try one. You'll be hooked.

There is probably some sort of fandom con in your state at least once a year. Possibly more. 99% are not like Comicon. They are not huge nor scary. Most are all fandom or all media cons (movies, TV, comics, whatever like Escapade (LA) or Revelcon (Houston)--which generally means run by fans, not Creation con. And will not have celebrities). Most are under 200 people, (a large percentage of fan run cons are under 100 people) There are panel discussions on fandom topics--run by another fan, a dealer room (zines! t-shirts! key-chains!), a vid show and a party. If you are shy, sit in the back of the panel discussion. But go. Even if you think no one will be a Starsky and Hutch fan or a The Professionals lover. Or whatever is your favorite series or movie. You will be surprised. Maybe one person you meet loves Supernatural and writes fics. You've seen SN twice. But you both still have common ground and can chat about fics, gen vs slash, and oh, wait--you both watch Castle? Firefly with Nathan Fillion? So cool.

(At the biggest con I attended, Zebracon, I was nervous because there were so many people and I think it was my second 'away' con {in Chicago}. At breakfast, I was seated with a woman I did not know because we were both singles and there was only one table left. We chatted nervously--I mentioned my daughter's name was Demelza. She recognized it from Poldark--this was before the recent remake--and off we went comparing how many British series we had in common.)

If you love Pros and can get to Bistocon (outside Detroit in late August), even better! All Pros, all the time.

If you love Starsky and Hutch and can get to SHarecon (outside Baltimore in mid October), even better. All S&H, all the time. My first SHarecon, I knew one person--a woman I had gone out of my way to get together with because she lived close to where I work. We met a few times for tea so I wouldn't feel adrift when traveling across the country to the con. We did room together, but I immediately began to meet so many people I recognized from online that I never hung with her for the rest of the weekend. This will happen to you, too!

star wars, chattiness, cons

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