[Voice / Action]

Jan 08, 2011 02:16

Um... I want to ask anybody who knows how to fight...

How do you pick a weapon? I mean... how do you know what suits you best? Do you try them until you figure it out, or do you let someone pick for you? And what if you-


[Simon's going to be chilling out around the stairs at the entrance of community building 7, a sheathed sword tucked against his shoulder, holding an unsealed envelope and gazing at either it or the snow. He's bundled up for the cold, at least, but he doesn't seem bothered by it for once.

Every now and then he'll pull out the letter inside the envelope, read it, and cup his hands around the Core Drill at his neck, focused and intense. Nothing seems to happen though, so he'll quickly give up and go back to whatever he was doing before. As always, Boota is with him, though he's probably buried in the snow by the stairs or wandering around a bit.

Bother him?]

my drill is my soul but weapons are usef, growing up is hard bro, swords or drills?, letter from the future

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