DW Fic: All Hope Abandon

Dec 18, 2007 01:29

My first time posting my Doctor Who fic on LJ...I heard about this drabble challenge at
slash_lords, but it's originally from

Take a look at your default userpic. If you're like me you see it so often you've almost stopped seeing it at all, so take a good look at it.  
Now, using your avatar as inspiration, write a drabble.

Title: All Hope Abandon
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Ten, Rose (can be read as het or gen)
Words: 100
Summary: A little Impossible Planet drabble.  Crossposted to Teaspoon.  Enjoy!

He folds her into his arms, clutching her ever-warm body close and feeling her single heart tremble as he gazes up at the sky. That purely, breathtakingly beautiful sky. Beautiful, terrifying, and one hundred percent impossible.

He’s trapped her here. Trapped her on this impossible world in the distant future. Of course, they’d been trapped loads of times, but not like this, with the TARDIS Rassilon-knows-where in the planet’s heart, unreachable, lost. They shouldn’t even be alive.

“Yeah, start worrying about me,” she’d said. She needn’t have. He already was, and he always did.

fic, doctor who, meme

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