Hey, guys! I come with two fic offerings! Well, one's a fic and one's a drabble, but it's all the same, right? :)
First, the fic! :)
Title: Sleeping Arrangements
Pairing: N/A, just general family love
Rating: PG, for Mrs. Macready's implications
Summary: Helen Pevensie visits her children after the events of LWW. She is amazed to see how they have changed, specifically in their bonds with one another.
A/N: Originally, this was slated to be a one-shot, but there's no way that's going to work. This will be seven chapters long - the first one details Mrs. Pevensie's arrival to the Professor's house, and the subsequent chapters will focus on the kid's bonds with each other (i.e. there'll be a Susan/Lucy chap, a Peter/Lucy chap, etc. etc.)
Chapter One - Day One: Letters --
And now the drabble. :)
Title: Upon a Star
Rating: G
Summary: Peter wishes.
The gun is awkward in his hands... --
Please enjoy! I would also love to know what you guys think, so drop a comment. ♥