Apr 28, 2006 16:55
Durham Regional Police have discovered the perfect place to spot suspended and prohibited drivers - the local courthouse parking lot.
A recent two-week sting targeting illegal drivers nabbed several as they walked out of court after losing their driving permits, got in their cars and began to drive home.
Police laid 46 charges over the course of the operation.
In some instances, police waited outside the court building to arrest offenders.
After receiving sentences and having their licences revoked by the courts, many attempted to drive home, police say.
Members from the traffic enforcement unit said the operation was specifically targeted at high-risk offenders.
Police say there are about 400 people in Durham Region who have had their driving privileges suspended either by court order or by the Ministry of Transportation.
Charges in the campaign included driving with no licence, driving while under suspension, improper plates, no insurance and a variety of other criminal charges.