This One's for the Girls: Booklist & Contest

Apr 18, 2012 09:53

I read this post by Mur Lafferty, a letter to her daughter about the fact that being "a girl" is considered one of the worst insults in the English language and as a mother of a pretty remarkable little girl, yeah, I get it.

It's hard enough to raise functional, happy, healthy members of society without the added benefit of having the world judge them inferior for any reason--from their skin color to their use of limbs to their interior plumbing--but as a mother, I totally agree with Mur that the best way to beat 'em is to show 'em how wrong they really are by being the amazing person they are, no matter what. As a mother who happens also to be a writer, I think about the books I can offer her. From Protector of the Small to Judy Moody to Frankie Landau Banks to (my own little gal's current biography project) real gals in the real world like Golda Meir. I want my little girl to know that she can be ANYTHING and totally rock it, too.

So let's open this up to smart people: what books would YOU recommend to the girls in your life? Plunk them in the comments and share the love because you never know what book can change someone's life! And, just for the heck of it, I'll pick a contributor to the comments and announce a winner on Wednesday, April 25th and send them a prize To Be Determined Later, but I promise it'll be good!

1) Comment with your favorite books for fallopian-tubed folks below.
2) Next week, you could earn a prize!
3) Open internationally, tell everyone because the more the merrier!

P.S. Thank you from the moms of the world.

questions for the universe, contest, gender, paying it forward, book recs

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