
Dec 12, 2008 07:53

[it's three in the morning, and Sora can't sleep. This is pretty usual for him, actually, and anyone on the Sphere network in the middle of the night might have caught him up before. His Sphere clicks on automatically, following him as he tosses and turns for a while, finally sliding out of the sleeping bag he'd been sharing with Kairi on the floor of Riku's room.

He dresses in the dark, putting on warm clothes and grabbing his jacket. Sora checks on Riku and Axel before leaving the room, hoping that the hissing of the door doesn't wake them.

He does a complete lap of the ship's levels, something that's become habit at this point---though, running from robots isn't much fun. Pulling his coat on, he finds the only working pad and checks out the Enviro-Dome last---catching sight of this amid the falling snow]

If anyone's guys might wanna come take a look at this.

plot: endgame, all the cool kids have insomnia, adventuring, little cabin in the woods, this is my surpriseface

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