Once You Go Black.... (and other weekend antics)

Feb 21, 2006 11:23

This was President's weekend, and so I didn't have to work yesterday. This weekend was simply wonderful, wonderful because I got everything pressing done that I needed to do and even had time for some idleness, to read and watch Olympic skating simply because I wanted to, not because I had to. I got a good deal of writing done too, in finishing the ( Read more... )

work, skating, daily life

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allie_meril February 21 2006, 17:59:21 UTC
It is no longer enough to simply be entertained.

OMG, Dawn. You want a really incredible movie? Rent Crash. Like, now. Leave work, abandon the warrents, and go watch that movie. (OK, I'm kidding! But rent it soon.) It's amazing. Words cannot describe.

but I've become a picky reader, and it is harder and harder to entertain me.

*sigh* I sympathize. I've become progressively more finicky. My current read-for-pleasure, Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Firebrand, isn't satisfying me like The Mists of Avalon did.

And re: Harry Potter... Hm... Well, I'm a diehard fan (upon finishing HBP a couple weeks ago, I was in utter floods), and I love it, but I found myself incredulous at some scenes and words. And I'm no great writer by any stretch, so I have no right to criticize!

Do any of you find this, that the more you try to improve as a writer, the less you are entertained by the stories--books and movies--treasured by the general population?Well, for me, it isn't improvement as a writer (since I don't write that much), but as a reader of ( ... )


dawn_felagund February 21 2006, 19:47:53 UTC
OMG, Dawn. You want a really incredible movie? Rent Crash.

I own it! My husband bought it for me for Christmas after we watched in on On Demand one night. It's a great movie; one of my favorites from last year. :)

Well, I'm a diehard fan (upon finishing HBP a couple weeks ago, I was in utter floods), and I love it, but I found myself incredulous at some scenes and words. And I'm no great writer by any stretch, so I have no right to criticize!Incredulous as in liking them or not liking them ( ... )


allie_meril February 21 2006, 20:57:26 UTC
Incredulous as in liking them or not liking them?

Well, now that I think on it... Both senses of the word. There were parts that took my breath away, and parts that I simply stared, thinking, "...wtf?"

Secondly, you are an excellent writer, so I don't want to hear that bullocky from you. ;)

*blush* Thank you.

I love the premise of Harry Potter and books 3, 4, and 5 won my heart...but I was disappointed in 6.

It was kind of switched for me... but only a little. On reading HBP, I realized how suffocating OotP was. It was so long, and dark, and there was so little trust, and... it was kind of a rough read. It languished (as did Harry). Whereas HBP, on the other hand, was proactive, there was a sense of moving forward, and there was trust. Everyone was on the same page.

Of course, I acknowledge that part of that was the fact that I heard on the radio how it ended before reading it....OMG. That's terrible. What a snotty little brat (the radio kid ( ... )


isil_elensar February 21 2006, 21:55:36 UTC
*sigh* I sympathize. I've become progressively more finicky. My current read-for-pleasure, Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Firebrand, isn't satisfying me like The Mists of Avalon did.

*waves hi for a quick butt-in*

It's weird, but I'm just the opposite here. I loved The Firebrand much more than I liked The Mists of Avalon. Granted, I own both, but between the two, I reach for The Firebrand. Miaybe because I read it first, and that's what introduced me to MZB, but I don't think that has too much impact on the fact that I like it more. Or maybe I'm just silly that way... ;-)


allie_meril February 21 2006, 22:54:08 UTC
*grins* *waves hi back*

I'm almost finished with it (less than 100 pgs. to go!), but it's just not hooking me the same way MoA did. Hm...

Perhaps it is something to do with Mists being the first book to introduce me to MZB, and same for you with Firebrand.


isil_elensar February 21 2006, 23:30:02 UTC
Perhaps it is something to do with Mists being the first book to introduce me to MZB, and same for you with Firebrand.

I went about it backwards, then! LOL! Everyone kept telling me I needed to read MoA, but the book was huge and soft-cover, so more expensive. I looked for something else, and I found Firebrand. Now, I love almost anything written about the Trojan War, which is my most favorite Greek Myth (ironically, I've never read The Iliad), so naturally I snatched it up. And *loved* it.

And yes, I *loved* the movie Troy. Not only because OB is in it, but he was a big reason why he went. I did enjoy the story lots. :-)


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