AMC--Chapter Forty-Two

Feb 20, 2006 20:37

Yes, it is a day early. Sort of. But I finished it this afternoon and thought, "What the heck?" since it's three days late already. And I have warrant-type things (a.k.a. real work) to do tomorrow morning.

So here is the elusive Chapter Forty-Two, from the PoV of the recalcitrant Carnistir. As it turns out, this chapter is too large for LJ! So it ( Read more... )


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ann_arien February 21 2006, 17:41:00 UTC
The first thing I am going to do is squee at how cute Carnistir is. Yes, I think he's cute... on paper, anyway, because I'd probably throttle him in real life. (well, most times, anyway)

Second of all, I think this chapter is beautiful and revealing. Beautiful because of that tenderness between Feany and Nerdanel, because of the way Turko, Makalaure and Carni act and react around Maitimo, understanding his pain, because of the ending paragraphs in which Carinstir speaks of his first memory. And there are many more moments that have made me go "Awww! This is so sweet!" Like the Feanaro's overall cuteness, that memory of Finwe understanding and being able to communicate with Carnistir without words and the young ones playing with lettuce leaves.

At the same time, this chapter was revealing in the sense that only now, after reading quite a few chapters from Carni's POV, the reader becomes aware that he is not just weird, he is gifted. I don't know what were your intentions while writing the story, but I think that Feany's special closeness to his son is also based on Feany's knowledge that his son is different and has a special gift. It would be interesting to see how Carni is in the future, if the brothers and Feanaro will use this way of communication.

And it is hard to think that Carni is mean and obnoxious. After all, he is just a little kid with issues like having to keep his inner eyes shut to stop perceiving more that the others are willing to show. But this: Put your hair behind your ear! was just funny.

Er... I don't know if this ramble is of any help. This chapter certainly made me realize that I missed AMC a lot and it really is going to be hard when the last chapter will be up.


tarion_anarore February 21 2006, 20:22:52 UTC
he is not just weird, he is gifted

Or cursed.

Yeah...that's what they told us in school, too...;P

Gifted: adj.
1. Able to get away with giving the wrong answer
2. Having abnormally high abilities to b-s your way through something

*steals Carnistir*


dawn_felagund February 22 2006, 17:16:22 UTC
At the same time, this chapter was revealing in the sense that only now, after reading quite a few chapters from Carni's POV, the reader becomes aware that he is not just weird, he is gifted.

Yes, I've had such fun showing his behavior from an outside perspective (i.e., Nerds or one of the brothers) and then getting inside his head to see why he behaves that way. He has a strange way of thinking sometimes, but then, he is only four. ;)

I don't know what were your intentions while writing the story, but I think that Feany's special closeness to his son is also based on Feany's knowledge that his son is different and has a special gift.

I would agree that Feanaro knows that there is something going on with his youngest...but I don't think he yet knows exactly what it is. If he would swallow his pride and ask his father for advice, Finwe might enlighten him a bit. ;)

I've tried to convey in AMC that Feanaro is the hardest for Carnitstir to reach through osanwe (except Arafinwe and Finwe, but this is just touched upon), and one of the things that I shall have to do upon revision is give good, hard consideration to how well this comes through.

It would be interesting to see how Carni is in the future, if the brothers and Feanaro will use this way of communication.

Yes, well, we are still in chapter one, so to speak. I've got a long way to go. ;)

(I hope you all want to read fanfic into your 50s! :^D)

Suffice to say that there are things in AMC that were put there more to establish a base for later stories than to accomplish anything in this story. Much of what I do with Carni is that way because he is so young and therefore can't be involved in the major events that make up the plot except in a peripheral way or as an observer. So I think it's safe to say that you will be seeing more of Carni and his special "talents" later on down the line. ;)

Er... I don't know if this ramble is of any help.

Of course it is! :) It helps me a lot just to know how people see my story, my characters. Even if only to say, "I liked this" or "This made me laugh," it helps me to learn what works and what doesn't.

This chapter certainly made me realize that I missed AMC a lot and it really is going to be hard when the last chapter will be up.

Me too. :) I love posting days (once I get over the anxiety, that is!) But my original novel is about half-finished, and then it's on to the Nerdanel/Feanor romance. So you'll be hearing lots more from me, if you want. :)


ann_arien February 23 2006, 10:19:43 UTC
I would agree that Feanaro knows that there is something going on with his youngest...but I don't think he yet knows exactly what it is. If he would swallow his pride and ask his father for advice, Finwe might enlighten him a bit.

Yes, I agree with you. And it also gave me this nice. cozy feeling, while reading this chapter, to hear Carni saying that being close to his fahter is soothing and he feels peaceful. Thats was just so sweet.

I hope you all want to read fanfic into your 50s

I'll be there, no doubt. ;)

So I think it's safe to say that you will be seeing more of Carni and his special "talents" later on down the line.

Yes! Oh, yes! I look forward to it. Though I have a feeling it's not going to be all rosy and nice.

I love posting days (once I get over the anxiety, that is!)

Lol, me too. The anxiety and wringing of the hands is fun, too.

So you'll be hearing lots more from me, if you want.

Absolutely! Bring it on. :)


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