Memes! Weird Habits and the Year Online

Dec 30, 2005 09:35

I got tagged! Twice! By alassante and rhapsody11. So that gives me a new New Year's resolution:

Learn to run faster! :^P

The first meme asks me to list six weird habits and tag six victims others to do the meme. *evil cackle* Well, the first part shouldn't be too hard. The second part should just >:^))

Where to begin, right?

1) I have to have a stuffed animal with me at skating shows. First of all, I still get nervous, yes, after thirteen years, and having something to squeeze hard that doesn't have a central nervous system and so can't feel it much less protest is a good thing. Secondly, being backstage at a skating show is boring. And holding something somehow makes it more interesting.

My stuffed soccerball Footy Ball went with me for years. Now I guess it'll be Nelyo the unicorn, although I only have one skating show this year, so he gets off easy.

2) I am a germophobe clean freak about certain things. Yet not about others. I'll eat food off of (my) floor, and I'm not fond of antibiotic this-and-that unless it's needed. But then I generally scrub my kitchen with bleach after every meal and always before starting a batch of candy, and I cannot touch food that someone else will eat without scrubbing my hands for at least thirty seconds first. Blame a lot of years as a kitchen manager, I guess...that and studying food safety, which makes you see germs everywhere.

3) I choreograph to music in my head constantly. Usually, I choreograph skating numbers but sometimes I choreograph scenes to stories. I have scenes for much of the Fellowship soundtrack for my AMC epic, although I do scenes to popular songs as well.

4) No one can look at my writing or, indeed, even the screen where my writing lies, before it is finished. Bobby knows my neurosis enough not to look at my computer screen while I'm working--if he could even read the tiny 10-pt TNR font--and I trust him, but when he comes into the room, I always close my laptop. When I lived at home, before I got a laptop, my dad did read over my shoulder (he buys monitors that look as big as movie screens), so I used to keep a bandana next to the comp and cover the screen and sometimes part of my head with it whenever he'd come into the room.

5) I eat "European style" with both knife and fork. (Americans generally hold just their fork while eating.) I don't like to touch my food while eating. It goes along with the whole germophobe thing, as well as my outmoded ideas of what is polite and what is not. Pushing a dressing-laden piece of lettuce onto my fork and sucking ranch dressing off my finger is not polite, imho.

6) Despite my ranting, cussing, sometimes senseless posts here, in real life, I actually am excessively polite. My parents raised me with old-school manners. I always say please and thank you and you're welcome. If people hold a door for me, I thank the person, even if we have to walk through five doors and s/he holds each--I thank them five times. If a server refills my glass at a restaurant, I thank him or her...every time. If someone lets me in front of him or her in traffic, I wave thank you. You get the point....

At the same time, rude people irritate me immensely. If I hold a door for someone and they walk through without thanking me, I get annoyed. Bad table manners irritate me too.

And to take a cue from isil_elensar...a bonus!

7) I'm a grammar nut. (Somewhere, a husband is nodding vigorously now.) But I find people who correct other people's grammar to be I only correct my own. Which probably sounds bizarre:

"Who did he go with...I mean! With whom did he go?" or "Let's do this"

Prepositions at the ends of sentences bug me, using "they" or "them" as a singluar neuter pronoun irritates me, pronoun references make me grit my teeth...but not in casual conversation. I'm not that bad. Yet. The exception to this is using adjectives instead of adverbs. If I have to hear "Drive safe!" or see "Fresh brewed iced tea" one more time....

Now for the tagging. Per usual, I will try not to tag those whom have already been tagged. And if I don't tag you and you want to do it anyway, pretend that I did. I'll even add your name to the list if you want. ;) Also, I'm trying to tag people who I know are around. It's kind of pointless to tag people who don't seem to be around for the holidays.

I tag:
greenknight33...of course!
yuanrang...of course!
ann_arien, who's new to LJ and so needs to be initiated into memeness ;)
atanwende, as though your family doesn't hate me enough already
tabraun, because I miss your posts :( so I'm giving you an excuse to do one
fanged_geranium, because I'm feeling evol >:^D

The next one is gakked from juno_magic.

Time - how much did you spend online? I have a flat rate...

When was the best time online? I'm usually online during the day, at work, where I don't have enough to do. (Shhh...don't tell the boss!) Most of my friends seem to be online then too.

Do you regret it? No, what else would I do? Stare at the wall?

People - online friends? Of course!

Foes? Hopefully not. I try to steer clear of those sorts.

Online meets offline? Not yet. :) Although I did send our holiday candy to a number of online friends this year and my shelf is full of cards. Last December, I met with a group of Ringers prior to the LotR symphony for dinner. That was last year, yes, but it makes me feel slightly less pathetic.

Where - your online home? LiveJournal and--since they provide me with my other fix email--Comcast, I suppose. *grumbles*

Anywhere you don't go anymore? Nope. I have people on my flist who post in just about all the archives and I like it that way. My loyalty is true only to silwritersguild in terms of groups, and I want people from all sites and backgrounds to feel welcome there.

The creepiest place? My LJ.... ;)

What - favourite online activity? Discussing things--whether writing, Tolkien, politics, or real life--with friends. Usually through LJ since I can't download YIM at work. (Although I've yet to try on my new comp.... *cackles*)

Something you did for the first time? Everything! I was never into the Internet before becoming interested in Silmfic, so this year was my first experience with forums, email groups, posting stories, reviewing stories....

Something you wanted to do, but never got around to? Posting at the Pit of Voles.

Fandom - your fandom of the year? Doh. Silmarillion.

Did you leave/join a fandom? No. It's always been Silmarillion with a little LotR to keep things interesting and make me seem less geeky.

The most extraordinary fandom you encountered? Minesweeper. And marching band. (!)

Icons - How many icons did you steal find this year? I generally make my own...but juno_magic made me some Elves for Christmas. And I've had mine stolen, which was a bit flattering since my iconing ability sucks.

The icon you never want to see again? Anything with blood. I got woozy at a friend's icon just the other day.

The icon you never found? I still need an "I Am the Monkey" icon, a Team America icon, and my Beer--Wine--Beer icon...but these I'm making myself. Bobby just bought me icon space for Christmas, so I plan on going a little wild!

Songs - How many songs did you find online this year? None. I don't know how sharing music online works, and I'm really funny about free downloads of music. One artist watching out for another, you could say. ;)

Which of them do you never want to hear again? N/A

Which of them makes you smile? Cry? N/A

Did you buy any songs because of what you stole found online? Nope again. See above. :)

Stories - Reading: Which story did everyone read but you? I sometimes feel like the only person who hasn't written/read in the Harry Potter fandom. Sorry...but it's not for me.

Which story should everyone read? I respect the writing of everyone on my flist. There's a place to start. :) My favorite story this year off of my flist was Blodeuedd's "Fire". She's a wonderful young author. (And the story's about Feanor!) Check it out. :)

Which story did you read again (and again... and again)? Claudio's "The Elladan Show". That story makes me laugh hysterically.

Stories - Writing: yes or no? Absolutely! Unfortunately, I now write more than I read. I'd like to get back into voracious reading and discovering new authors in the new year.

Which story did you want to write but never got round to it? My Finarfin/Earwen novella--which was supposed to be a quick answer to a silwritersguild challenge--has been languishing since September.

Which story you did write means the most to you? Another Man's Cage is very personal to me. It's something I wasn't sure I'd ever share because of this...but I have. So now you can read it. ;)

Reviews- yes or no? I try to review as much as possible. Sometimes, though, I admit to not reviewing stories because I feel so inferior to the author that I don't think I have anything of use to say to him/her. I'm slowly overcoming this.

A review that made you smile? I've gotten so many for AMC that I treasure, it's hard to narrow it down. Whenever someone says that a story of mine has touched them in some way, I generally smile for the rest of the day. Probably the first review I got on AMC--from enismirdal--that gave me the courage to post more: that made me smile for a whole weekend!

A review that made you...? Cringe? Gasp? Scream? Luckily none...yet. But like I said, I haven't posted on Pit of Voles yet either!

Memes - Which meme did everyone do but you? I don't generally do quiz memes, no matter how popular, and if I do, usually don't post them in my journal. Nothing against them...but I like memes (like this one) that force me to stop and think.

Which meme should everyone do (except this one, because it's crystal that everyone should do it!)? None. People should do what makes them happy and feels enlightening to them.

The weirdest meme evvah? Hmmm...dunno. I don't think I've seen any that count as overarchingly weird.

Games - game of the year? The "Ask My Character a Question!" meme...that one was fun!

Did you join or leave an online game this year? I formed themidhavens and joined quenta_eldarion.

Did you ever forget who you are (offline or online)? Sometimes I have to remind myself not to answer the phone, "Warrant Apprehension Unit, Dawn Felagund speaking...."

Art - yes/no? Yes! I'm bad at finding it, but as my flist know, I never turn down a pretty Elf picture.

What did you enjoy most? The stuff ann_arien sent me. Sleeping Feanor is still my desktop background on my home comp!

What made you cringe? Two words: Rowena Morrill. o.O

Vids - yes/no? No.

One that made you laugh (or cry)? N/A

One that everyone should see? N/A

Comments - A comment that made you smile? So many! AMC posting days are great because I get so many lovely comments.

A comment that made you cry? Some of those in kielle's LJ, written to her husband, after she died.

A comment you will never forget? I forgot.... :^P Seriously, I have gotten so many nice comments on my writing and my real life posts that I can't narrow it down to just one.

Movies - “Reviews” or “spoilers”? I don't read spoilers if I intend to see the movie. Part of the reason I didn't like the new Harry Potter novel, I think, was because some idiot kid spoiled the ending on the radio, which switched on right as I was waking up. Stupid kid....

Did you go to see a movie because it was recommended on your flist? Did you regret it? There's a lot of movies that my flist has recommended that I want to see...but I haven't gotten the chance yet. Number one is Chocolat, recced to my by juno_magic, because it's about candy!

A movie that was never recommended that everyone should see? Kinsey and The Constant Gardener.

Books - Did you read a book because it was recommended on your flist? Did you like it? No. I haven't had much time for reading as of late. :( And I decided to start back into it by rereading Oryx and Crake.

Which book did everyone squee about but you? The new Harry Potter. It was okay--but I like a lot of the earlier books much better.

Which book should everyone squee about? Joyce Carol Oates, My Heart Laid Bare

Food porn - Did you share any recipe online? No...but I yammer a lot about candy and ice cream!

Did you get any recipe online? No. Hubby's the cook in the family.

Is everyone still alive who tried it? N/A

Smut - reading or writing? Both! I'm a bona fide perv.

Pairing of the year? Nerdanel/Feanor...forge-smut!

Which do you want to read/write next year? I'd like to read juno_magic's Tides of Time and the Bones of the Earth, as well as resume finding new authors. I'd like to finish my NaNoWriMo novel and start the next part of the AMC epic, which is going to be the romance of Nerdanel and Feanor.

Slash - reading or writing? I read slash. I have a bit of slash in enismirdal's gift story "Discovering Love", but nothing graphic.

Pairing of the year? Celegorm/Orome...thanks to those devious lasses digdigil and tuxedo_elf! Although I maintain that you're always safe with Maedhros/Fingon. ;)

Which don't you want to read/write next year? I read anything. I write what inspires me.

Discoveries - three online discoveries of the year? Ummm...everything! I was totally new to everything. I got my LJ in March and started joining archives and groups around then too.

Crazy! What's the craziest online activity you did this year? Writing twenty stories in a month for holiday gifts. o.O

Funny! What was your funniest online experience this year? Naming long foods for nefarious purposes with digdigil on YIM! Caranthir the Carrot! Enough said!

Sad! What was your saddest moment online this year? Having a friend disappear with no way to know if she's okay or what happened.

Angry! What made you angry online this year? The whole incident with nelyo on the Henneth-Annun list.

Useful! What was really useful this year? Because of getting online, I've begun teaching myself XHTML and CSS. Since I intend to start an online business, I'm hoping this will be really helpful.

Happy! What made you really happy online this year? Seeing silwritersguild become a reality. And also getting the gumption to post my work and getting lovely comments and also wonderful help from people.

Lessons: Did you learn anything online this year? Literary snobbery sucks.

Plans: Any online plans for next year? tiny thing called Nelyo's, my online candy business! We're officially beginning work in 2006! Whee!

In terms of the fandom, I hope to have an archive site for silwritersguild up and running really soon. I hope this group burgeons and serves as a good place for we Silmaniacs to meet and chat, as a comfortable place for new writers, and as a friendly place to share work.


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