AMC--Chapter Twenty-Six

Dec 02, 2005 14:19

I am rating this chapter for adults only for reasons of discussing topics about sexuality. There is no graphic sex--it is merely Macalaurë musing about love and marriage and children and his thoughts on all of these things--but I want to play it safe. If you're not sure if you want to read this chapter, please don't hesitate to contact me, as ( Read more... )


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Comments 36

rhapsody11 December 2 2005, 15:12:44 UTC
Oh Dawn! I loved this. I am so behind on leaving a comment on your previous ones, but this was such a wonderful read... with Maglor. I love your imagery of this happy family life, Celegorm handing on Feanor's leg, Maedhros making a big scene as a young child. Thanks for this captivating read!


dawn_felagund December 2 2005, 15:57:35 UTC
Thanks so much, Rhaspy! Please don't worry about not leaving comments; I know you've got a lot going on. :) Thank you, as always, for keeping up with it. I am very grateful! :)


fanged_geranium December 2 2005, 15:45:46 UTC
I like Feanor confronting Maglor about Caranthir's dream, and the way Maglor manages to deal with it.

Maglor's initial impressions after learning the facts of life are very amusing. I'd have thought that five was rather too young to give a child a technical explanation (even for a human), but then Feanor must expect his sons to be as precocious as him!

Nelyo had also already warned me about these “desires,” for it was no secret that what Nelyo felt could rarely be labeled with a word so innocent as “desire,” which seemed to me a term more applicable to wanting an extra cup of pudding with dessert than the commanding lust with which Nelyo was sometimes overcome. ROTFL! No, that doesn't make me like Maedhros any better since he clearly feels no remorse about failing to live up to the ideals of LaCE! (More schadenfreude than sympathy, I think!) Poor Annawende, though ( ... )


dawn_felagund December 2 2005, 16:02:07 UTC
I'd have thought that five was rather too young to give a child a technical explanation (even for a human), but then Feanor must expect his sons to be as precocious as him!

I'd say he does. :) But I was around that age when I learned the facts of life, through wanting to be an entomologist and encountering things that I didn't understand. Then my mom had to explain things to me...and whenever it was my turn for show and tell, I had to be sent to school with a reminder not to talk about "mating" to my class, as they probably wouldn't understand.

I think poor Macalaure was a little traumatized by it.... ;)

*attemps to avoid arguing that Finwe couldn't have been much more than 1000 when he married, even with Tree Years*

No need to argue! I admit that I'm dodgy on timelines. And canon in general. This will get changed during the edit. Thanks, as always, for noticing.

I like that you've introduced an actual quarrel between Finwe and Feanor about the Valar.I figure that it couldn'tve been *all* happy sunshine between them. I don't ( ... )


fanged_geranium December 2 2005, 16:22:12 UTC
I don't think Feanor inspires happy, sunshiney thoughts in many people at all, all the time--even beloved Finwe.

It adds a new perspective to Feanor leaving home as soon as he could - Finwe might have encouraged him to go!


dawn_felagund December 2 2005, 16:29:07 UTC
In Felak!verse, they have a fight about his half-brothers, Feany storms out and goes to Mahtan's, tells Nerdanel he's leaving home and asks her to go with him. And the rest is history! ;^P


tarion_anarore December 2 2005, 20:51:09 UTC
good only for carefully spelling my name with pee in the snow that sometimes lingered upon our arrival in Formenos

*Smacks forehead* Oh

Man, I wish my exams were in half a year, instead of a week and a half...:P (Well, I guess I also have exams in half a year...damn)

I like the ending. :) And I love Tyelkormo and Carnistir being dragged around on Feanor's leg!!


dawn_felagund December 2 2005, 23:24:10 UTC
Man, I wish my exams were in half a year, instead of a week and a half...:P (Well, I guess I also have exams in half a year...damn)

Never ends, does it? But when they're over in two/three weeks or so, you'll be glad that they're over and that you didn't postpone them further.

:^) <--philosophical ' always works on Hubby!

Yes, Macalaure is really just an ordinary guy, I guess.... ;^P


tarion_anarore December 7 2005, 17:31:33 UTC about No Exams. Period! A novel idea...;)

And as long as Makalaure can flush, I think we can get along. ;P

And grrr stupid eljay not sending me comment emails...or sending them years later. Thus, I am replying to things from 2 and a half weeks ago!!!


dawn_felagund December 7 2005, 20:23:33 UTC
Macalaure can flush but he is a guy so it's not likely that he can put the toilet seat down or go without dribbling a little on the floor.


frenchpony December 2 2005, 22:24:50 UTC
You do have something of a pee fixation. I find that highly amusing, although it may just be the slap-happiness that afflicts all students at the beginning of December ( ... )


dawn_felagund December 2 2005, 23:30:35 UTC
You do have something of a pee fixation.

I guess I do. :^P

This time of year is interesting because it's my first experience having a flist at finals/end-of-term time. Through the year, hearing about all everyone gets to do at school, I wish for studenthood again, but now I'm feeling glad that I'm in the working world instead. (Where, incidentally, the crap being piled onto me is beginning to subside. Woohoo.)

You're thinking of the chaos of an orchestra tuning on stage before the performance, right? It's a more appropriate metaphor for Fëanor than you might thing, because it's not complete chaos -- it just sounds that way.

Yes, that's exactly it. And wow, what an interesting insight! I had no idea but was simply going off what I used to hear while warming up for band back in high school. To the uninitiated, I guess our rehearsal room was unbearable for the first five minutes of every class.

Having heard that talk and variations thereof for many years, especially the "oh, you'll want your children once you have them" variation ( ... )


frenchpony December 3 2005, 02:08:35 UTC
What band instrument did you play? Did you learn it outside of school, or just in the band? What sort of repertoire did your band play? Did you study music at all outside of band?

Sorry about all the questions, but I was having the most fascinating conversation with a friend yesterday. He's working on a master's thesis in Music Education, and one of the topics that he wants to examine is high school band culture.


dawn_felagund December 3 2005, 05:36:42 UTC
Don't worry about the questions. I don't mind at all!

I played trumpet. I learned as a part of my elementary school music education. Baltimore County schools encourage students to take up an instrument in the fifth grade to the degree that, out of my entire fifth grade class (which, granted, was only about 70 kids; it was a small school) only one kid did not play an instrument ( ... )


enismirdal December 3 2005, 02:30:12 UTC
Oh, yes, I was going to leave FB on this...hehe. This chapter was SO funny and cute. Macalaurë is so adolescent! He's incredibly sweet, and I was very amused that Vingarië is having such an effect on him! Their innocent-ish little courtship is very charming next to his older brother's exploits!

You really made me smile with this - so believable and sweet. But all this business with Carnistir dreaming of Melkor...scary!

I can't wait to see Oromë's halls though! *bounce*


dawn_felagund December 4 2005, 20:58:16 UTC
Thank you! Through this chapter, I learned to love Macalaure. He's just so sweet and honest and innocent...can I keep him here forever? But seriously, after this chapter, he became one of my favorite characters to write, which was unexpected, as he was such a challenge at first.

I'm happy that you enjoyed the chapter and thank you (as always!) for leaving a comment! :^)


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