Aramel requested a story about Elrond and Elros, during their life with the Fëanorians, when they learn in one way or another about the fate of Eluréd and Elurín. And so, for you, Aramel, are two hott Fëanorians, two angsty little Elflings...and a partridge in a pear tree. ;^)
A Song and a Story )
I haven't gotten around to putting these on LJ yet:
An Ordinary Woman, a realistic take on the story of Beren and Luthien, is getting a lot of positive attention on SWG right now. (Surprisingly, since I'm only about 50% happy with it myself!)
Rekindling: this one is set after "Tapestries," even, and I am fairly pleased with it.
Stars of the Lesser: probably my favorite from this year's holiday stories, so far anyway. Also has some philosophical ideas that I'd be interested to hear your take on.
And that's that for now. I have probably about 50 Silmfic stories right now, but those are the ones that I'm most proud of, for the moment anyway. :)
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