AMC--Chapter Eighteen

Oct 14, 2005 10:20

If you haven't already heard, the first draft of this story is now finished. Now begins the process of revision and creating the second draft, at which point the hard work of all of my reviewers will come to fruition ( Read more... )


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Comments 31

frenchpony October 14 2005, 14:53:39 UTC
That must be quite a music school, if they let an audience hear the auditions. I don't think I've ever heard of any organization, school, conservatory, or professional orchestra, that does that. Usually, an audition is just the performer alone with the judges. And many professional orchestras even make the performer audition behind a screen so they won't be biased by race or gender when choosing who to accept and who to decline ( ... )


dawn_felagund October 14 2005, 15:32:13 UTC
Can you tell I'm a music grad student. . . ?

Can you tell I'm not? :D

I don't know a whole lot beyond the most basic music theory, so I hadn't given a lot of thought to what *exactly* he was studying because I couldn't! Because I have absolutely no idea.

His primary instrument, of course, is the harp, but Macalaure plays just about everything. As to whether he studies any of these....

He does go, at the end of the story, to Alqualonde for a month with Nelyo, for practical lessons like you describe. During this time, he works almost non-stop to finish all that he must do. This is the most that Feanaro will allow; other than that, he must do his lessons by correspondence or not at all.

Of course, he's going to live forever, so I think that all involved would probably feel that there's no rush. In ten years, he'll be old enough to go where he pleases, and he can spend all of the time he wants in Alqualonde, if he wishes.

It seems that Fëanor is the kind of guy to whom actions mean more than words, but Macalaurë isn't.Macalaure is ( ... )


frenchpony October 14 2005, 18:01:23 UTC
You'd be astonished at how detailed some music courses can get. When I did an undergrad music major at The Fairest College (which had a teeny-tiny music program), the basic course was three courses in music history, three in theory, and two electives. Plus, you could take private lessons on most of the major Western concert instruments. I did piano and voice. My two electives were World Music and The Music of Duke Ellington. You could study composition at two or three different levels, and the choral director offered private lessons in conducting. There was a band, an orchestra, three major choirs, five a capella groups, and a small madrigal choir. That's a small music program ( ... )


dawn_felagund October 14 2005, 18:31:55 UTC
You'd be astonished at how detailed some music courses can get.

I am. Wow.

My university was renowned for its science and technology education. All of the "Fine Arts" were stuck into a single five-story building. "Fine Arts" included music, visual art, photography, dance, English, ancient studies, philosophy, archeology/anthropology, theater, and American/Jewish/African studies. Now, at the same time, biology, chemistry, and physics each had their own buildings (larger than the Fine Arts building; biology had two buidings!), and engineering and computer science/information systems each had their own buildings. As the fiction editor for the literary magazine, I spent a lot of time in the Fine Arts building, but most people never set foot in it. It was old and really confusing. If we had any musical groups, the general student body didn't know about them. (Just like they didn't know about the literary magazine, big surprise.)

If you want to do a scene or two at the school in Alqualondë, let me know, and I can knock together a decent ( ... )


fanged_geranium October 14 2005, 15:13:34 UTC
A Noldo has ever been apprenticed to one of the Telerin music schools

should that be never?

Maglor writing to his girlfriend is very sweet!

I like the father-son interaction at the end.


dawn_felagund October 14 2005, 15:33:47 UTC
should that be never?

Yes, it should! Thanks :)

I like the father-son interaction at the end.

Thank you :) I was worried about making it too sappy, but I've gotten two comments now that reflect positively on it, so it seems I might just be paranoid again ;)


aramel_calawen October 14 2005, 15:42:27 UTC
Heh, don't worry about paranoia. I'm paranoid too. No sooner do I write something than I study it from all sides and decide that it's too sappy/bland/fluffy/dark/mary-sueish/whatever. It's part of the reason why I can never get my longer pieces done. Not to mention the fact that Feanor is a pain to characterise; I've yet to find the degree of madness that suits me. It helps a bit that my narrator is biased, I suppose.

I loved the father-son interaction too! Feanor being nice is just... adorable. And I assume that Maglor marries Vingarie? Does she come into exile with him?


dawn_felagund October 14 2005, 16:12:38 UTC
Not to mention the fact that Feanor is a pain to characterise

If there is anyone out there who chances to read this comment and thinks that Feanor is easy to write, please reply. I want to know who you are.

In this whole, massively long story, Feanor only has one PoV section so far. I am going to add another, in lieu of a chapter that got lost when my RamBo died (but probably didn't need to be written in the first place) because he's just so bloody hard to write. The only times he cooperates with me is for comic pieces and forge!smut. :-/

I loved the father-son interaction too! Feanor being nice is just... adorable.

Yes, I have a crush on Feanor. (Couldn't tell, could ya? ;D) I love nice!Feanor :)

And I assume that Maglor marries Vingarie?

Yes, they get married ;)

Does she come into exile with him?

Now, *that*'ll have to wait to find out! (Which means also that I need to write it too ;D)


(The comment has been removed)

dawn_felagund October 14 2005, 15:34:20 UTC
That's fine :) Whenever you get to it; I'm honored that you wish to continue at all :)


tarion_anarore October 14 2005, 19:30:30 UTC
...he opens with dangerous rhetorical stabs such as this.

Well, if that's not an "Oh S*^#" moment!

I'll give you another tally on the "Thinks Father/Son fluff scene was well written and not sappy" column! I really liked that part. :)

And my brain is fried after too much -wait for it- biology. (This seems to be a recurring incidence...)


dawn_felagund October 15 2005, 01:09:27 UTC
Well, if that's not an "Oh S*^#" moment!

Yes, Feany is a bit of a vicious arguer. Nerds can give it right back, but I think she was probably rightfully tired by, you know, having a baby and all, in the example Macalaure gave.

I actually patterned Feany's arguing after me :-/ As much as I love Feanor, this is not a compliment at myself; I tend to drop the gloves and resort to low blows when I'm mad, pulling out cards that really shouldn't be played.

Wow, did I *really* just use three different metaphors to describe the same thing in one sentence?? Moving on....

I'll give you another tally on the "Thinks Father/Son fluff scene was well written and not sappy" column!

Thank you :) And I trust you too because I believe you were one of the ones who said, "Dawn, WTF?!" at my sappy exchange at the end of my Feany/Nerds love scene waaaaaay back in Chapter Five! ;D

And my brain is fried after too much -wait for it- biology. (This seems to be a recurring incidence...)And not the potential-for-little-Elves biology either, I assume? ;-P ( ... )


tarion_anarore October 15 2005, 01:23:29 UTC
I actually patterned Feany's arguing after me :-/

Haha. I am terrible about using "Oh I see how it is!" Or I just jump straight to the insults. "You're stupid!!" (That's usually when I'm fighting with my brother.)

Wow, did I *really* just use three different metaphors to describe the same thing in one sentence??

Yes, yes you did...*giggle*

And I trust you too because I believe you were one of the ones who said, "Dawn, WTF?!" at my sappy exchange at the end of my Feany/Nerds love scene waaaaaay back in Chapter Five! ;D

Haha, I'm glad you trust me! It's quite possible that I said that in ch5. It sounds like something I'd say! ;P


tarion_anarore October 15 2005, 01:26:32 UTC
And not the potential-for-little-Elves biology either, I assume? ;-P

Sadly, not Elven biology. That wouldn't screw with my brain. Although I'd be more than willing to...ahem, moving right along...

My worst science subject: chemistry. Although genetics was pretty gawdawful too....

I'm taking chem next semester. We'll see how it goes...hopefully better than biology!

Tarion was trying to click inside textbox and accidentally hit post comment button instead...hence two comment!


AMC - CH. 18 digdigil October 17 2005, 12:32:59 UTC
Sorry to be so late in commenting on this, but because of RL constraints I have not been on the computer all weekend! This is another beautiful chapter. It is fun to read about the progress of the boys as they grow older. I love your descriptions of the undercurrents that run beneath the surface of the family. The misunderstandings and uncertainties that are true of every family, each member absorbed in their own feelings and desires, makes for fascinating reading. Macalaure's worries tend to make him unaware of his father's true feelings for him and his own self-doubt causes him much grief. Ain't it true in real life too! I was very much touched by this chapter on a personal level. Your writing has really moved me, Dawn. The details are wonderful. My favourite part was that Macalaure would be so disturbed by his thoughts as to get up in the middle of the night to go to the music room to compose a song and then the sound of that music would soothe little Carnistir who was having a nightmare at the same time. That was just ( ... )


Re: AMC - CH. 18 dawn_felagund October 17 2005, 15:19:44 UTC
Thank you :) Don't worry that you couldn't comment right away; I am grateful that so many have taken the time to read my excessively long chapters. I really appreciate it :)

Macalaure's worries tend to make him unaware of his father's true feelings for him and his own self-doubt causes him much grief.

It took me so long to get into Macalaure's head, but once I was there, oh what a character he became! ;)

One of the most unexpected joys of this story was tracing how Macalaure matures and grows over the course of the year. Feanaro changes a lot too--especially in his relationship with Macalaure--and that was also a surprise. But it's always fun to let the characters take the story where they will. (Even though it requires running at the revision process with scissors in hand!--or a greataxe ;D)

Your writing has really moved me, Dawn.

Wow. Thank you. Isn't this the highest compliment you can pay a writer? ;)

My favourite part was that Macalaure would be so disturbed by his thoughts as to get up in the middle of the night to go to ( ... )


Re: AMC - CH. 18 digdigil October 17 2005, 15:30:43 UTC
You're welcome! And LOL! I think we tend to forget (and especially me!) that Fëanor's sons also have a mother! And why couldn't at least one of them take after her? Yeah, I agree with you that Macalaurë is a fascinating and sensitive character.


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