The Word-of-the-Day Drabble

Sep 27, 2005 15:25

This one seized me. I am writing one for now, but might do more later. For now, I am working on my short story for digdigil's "Write a Strong Female Character" challenge over at silwritersguild.

halcyon \HAL-see-uhn\, noun:
1. A kingfisher.
2. A mythical bird, identified with the kingfisher, that was fabled to nest at sea about the time of the winter solstice and to calm the waves during incubation.

1. Calm; quiet; peaceful; undisturbed; happy; as, "deep, halcyon repose."
2. Marked by peace and prosperity; as, "halcyon years."

"It seems to be that my boyhood days in the Edwardian era were halcyon days."
-Mel Gussow, "At Home With John Gielgud: His Own Brideshead, His Fifth 'Lear,'" New York Times, October 28, 1993

"It is a common lament that children today grow up too fast, that society is conspiring to deprive them of the halcyon childhood they deserve."
-Keith Bradsher, "Fear of Crime Trumps the Fear of Lost Youth," New York Times, November 21, 1999

"It was a halcyon life, cocktails and bridge at sunset, white jackets and long gowns at dinner, good gin and Gershwin under the stars."
-Elizabeth M. Norman, We Band of Angels

Halcyon derives from Latin (h)alcyon, from Greek halkuon, "a mythical bird, kingfisher."

Totally random: The kingfisher was my elementary school mascot! They're cute little birds.

The Halcyon
From my nest amid the cliffs, I watch her fall-gown battered by the wind-and take a new shape, bearing the Light in her hands over the sea.

I do not understand these people. For holy Light, in the pursuit of peace, they rend flesh and spill blood. I have watched others of my kind take wing, crying in agony, their nests aflame. These people care not, and why should they? They destroy their own people with little thought-why should they care to protect the life of a bird?

I watch her fly away and hope for peace.

On another completely random note, to those who are waiting for the next scene in the stupid Sil play: It is coming, I promise. Formatting that particular piece for LJ is always an endeavour, and unless I have a good half-hour to set aside, I am reluctant to start work on it. And half-hours are in short supply at the moment! Thanks, though, to those who are bugging me (as I asked) about it! :)

daily drabble

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