The Day's Drabble and Other Crazy Crap

Sep 07, 2005 10:13

Okay, I am going to try my hardest to write something today that is not depressing. Promise :)

The word is a funny-sounding one, so that helps.

Word of the Day--farrago )

daily drabble, randomness

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Comments 22

fanged_geranium September 7 2005, 16:04:37 UTC
reading a book with his eyes closed


I am willing to take some license with my version of the canon

Do you mean your AMC version or do you have another version lurking around somewhere? How much younger than Caranthir will Curufin and the twins be?

Jen sounds like a very nasty piece of work, but I guess there are lots of relationships like that. Gary is probably lucky to get out of it now, rather than in 20 years time.


dawn_felagund September 7 2005, 16:17:36 UTC
Do you mean your AMC version or do you have another version lurking around somewhere? How much younger than Caranthir will Curufin and the twins be?

No, the AMC version is (so far) my version of the canon. Generally, all of my stories take place in the context of AMC being part of the history. It helps me keep my details straight ;)

Curufinwe will be born in the next part, the sequel, you might say, after Macalaure and Maitimo have both come of age. I haven't decided on an exact age difference. All of the brothers (except, maybe, Curufinwe) will have come of age by the time the twins are born. Again, not entirely decided nor set in stone, just how I imagine things will be.


fanged_geranium September 7 2005, 16:27:08 UTC
Hm, details are such tricky little blighters. I actually have four (or is it five?) versions of canon to keep track of. I shall have to start making spreadsheets soon.

Curufinwe will be born in the next part, the sequel, you might say

Good. Curufin is definitely under-appreciated by fic writers.


dawn_felagund September 7 2005, 16:38:20 UTC
I shall have to start making spreadsheets soon.

LOL! I have a timeline in my notebook, but that's about it, and that's mostly because I have a horrible time remembering who is how old.

Like, right now, I could not tell you if Tyelkormo is 14, 15, or 16. I'd have to look it up.

Good. Curufin is definitely under-appreciated by fic writers.

Having only written comic!Curufin, I am looking forward to giving him an actual, bona fide character.

He is one of those who is easily written off as being plain and simple "evil." But I feel sorry for him. He's going to be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to it.


DAILY DRABBLE, RANDOMNESS digdigil September 7 2005, 16:11:52 UTC
(Procrastination. No, not the word of the day. What I'm doing instead of cleaning bathrooms.) Farrago? You're killing me! The story of your friends (okay, ex-friends) was utterly fascinating reading. Not just because of their story, but because of the way it was written, Dawn. However, and unfortunately, lots of us have had friends who have undergone breakups for one reason or another, and it is sad when children are involved. But the story about what had gone down at the restaurant was tragic. How horrible for you and your family that you had to put up with being treated like crap in that way, and from someone who was supposed to be your friend! It is too bad that sometimes we let really bad people influence us in such a way as to change who we are. Gary lost more than the bitch. He lost something much more valuable than that: two people who could have been best friends that could have helped him get through the mess he is undoubtedly in now!


Re: DAILY DRABBLE, RANDOMNESS dawn_felagund September 7 2005, 16:24:49 UTC
Prcratination? Nothing wrong with that! :D

He lost something much more valuable than that: two people who could have been best friends that could have helped him get through the mess he is undoubtedly in now! Yes, that is part of the reason that I feel so bad for him now. It used to be, when we all worked together and used to be friends, that the staff was more like an extended family. We used to get together every Saturday night, after the store closed, and either go out to dinner, go bowling, go ice skating, or go over my parents' house, who kindly let us use their pool, and it was nothing to have 15 or 16 people go on a single night. People would come back to work just to go out. And Gary was right in the thick of things, of course ( ... )


frenchpony September 7 2005, 17:27:45 UTC
Goodness, Jen sounds like the Yoko Ono of your circle of friends. Or, in some variations, the Indis, perhaps. The presence of the daughter just makes things more difficult. Without the daughter, Gary could just leave Jen behind and get on with his life and mending his bridges, but he's got that tie to his ex. I hope they both manage to keep the kid as far removed from their personal problems as possible.


dawn_felagund September 7 2005, 17:30:27 UTC
Hmph. Knowing them (her especially) that isn't likely.

I don't even know who has her now. I asked Potter (my friend) and he said he didn't know. Well, it's really none of my business anyway, but when you see such things happen to one-time friends, it's shocking.

I, too, hope that she will be all right in all this mess.


frenchpony September 7 2005, 20:51:23 UTC
Well, it's really none of my business anyway, but when you see such things happen to one-time friends, it's shocking.

Thing is, there are just some mistakes that people need to make for themselves. About the best thing a friend can do is to be waiting for them when the shouting is over, to pick them up, dust them off, and be their friend. Especially since Gary seems to have been pretty close with both you and Bobby, he'll probably have great need of you very soon. And who knows, maybe you'd get to babysit the kidski. I always like kids when they belong to other people, so I can spoil them and give them back.

You could read John Irving's A Sound Like Someone Trying Not To Make A Sound to her, for instance. It's weird and creepy, and completely inappropriate for small children, which means a) John Irving thinks it's the most reassuring story he's ever written, which should tell you something about John Irving, and b) kids will just eat it up.


dawn_felagund September 8 2005, 00:26:30 UTC
Unfortunately, we now live an hour apart. My husband and I moved away last year, but my parents and many of our friends still live in the northern part of the state, hence that we get to keep in touch with the gossip about all our old friends and enemies.

I would gladly be there for him if he sought me out, though. I really have forgiven him, just like that :) It is a good feeling; I'm glad it finally happened.


tarion_anarore September 7 2005, 22:31:17 UTC
I'm glad today's drabble was much happier!! :D

Bobby put it best last night when he said, "She is a vindictive bitch."

:-\ I hate people like that!! She sounds horrid. One of those people who it's soooo tempting to just slap. Hope things work out in the end with your friend (?), if that's possible.


dawn_felagund September 8 2005, 00:28:22 UTC
One of those people who it's soooo tempting to just slap.

Heck yeah! She was certainly one of the biggest challenges to my pacifism! ;)

I'm glad today's drabble was a happier occasion for you, too. Believe it or not, I am a happy person. I just have a penchant for depressing fiction.


tarion_anarore September 8 2005, 00:31:54 UTC
Believe it or not, I am a happy person.

Haha, I believe you. It's not our fault we have angsty muses! ;)


dawn_felagund September 8 2005, 00:46:46 UTC

a.k.a. Feanorian muses....


THE INVASION digdigil September 8 2005, 13:50:40 UTC
LOL! Great drabble! I just got around to reading it today, as I've now caught up to being a day behind on everything! I have 1-1/2 bathrooms left to clean, and lots more reading/research to do, and a story to write for a certain challenge, but one teensy drabble shouldn't be too difficult to do. I JUST LOVED the part about Maitimo reading with his eyes closed!!! I killed myself laughing at that!


Re: THE INVASION dawn_felagund September 9 2005, 01:08:05 UTC
Thanks! I do a good deal of reading myself, with my eyes closed ;) I read Harry Potter for about a half-hour that way this afternoon. I actually hold the book open and everything, so if my husband comes in, I look productive and not like I'm sleeping in bed in the middle of the day!

Now's my turn to catch up...I just spent a day at training for work. What a waste of a good day of hanging out on the Internet ;)


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