Taken from Oshun ...
Name five ‘non-sexual kinks’ you have as a reader/writer: that is, five writing techniques, themes, settings, or character types that really draw you into a story. (If they are different for you as a reader than as a writer, please name both!)
Here we go! )
I like women with swords as well - but when I write them, I try to make very sure that they face realistic consequences for their actions, too (especially talking Tolkien) - probably even harsher ones than if they'd assume power/influence through more supposedly non-threatening and female-coded roles (my Maitimë has very non-flattering things to say right now - not fit for print). Without a struggle for the right to wield a sword in the first place, that story is wishful thinking... which can be wonderful in the right mood, but not ultimately very satisfying, so your point still stands, in a way.
I like your example of Sansa. I see so much Sansa hate out there, but she is a young girl (despite the actress being much older than the character) in a dangerous place and utterly without friends. That she has survived as long as she has when much of her family has not speaks to a resourcefulness and strength that also makes her a character I find so interesting. (Actually, for all my griping about GRRM's books, I do love his woman characters and generally suffer through the chapters from a male PoV while generally enjoying those from a female PoV. I had never realized that before ...)
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