Lull in the Snow So--Pictures!

Feb 13, 2014 14:57

Well, the predicted snowstorm has hit with a vengeance. We are currently in a lull (Bobby told me the technical meteorological term for it but I forgot what it was), but it is expected to pick back up tonight. (ETA ... it is actually freezing rain again out, which SUCKS.) Bobby estimates that we have gotten about 16 inches (41 cm) so far. We could get 6 additional inches (15 cm) tonight. It is hard to estimate the depth because it has also been very windy, so the snow is drifted quite high in places. We also had quite a bit on the ground from the storm last week. I'll be interested to see what the NWS reports as our official snowfall totals.

Thank goodness the ice was finally out of the trees before this hit. That could have been a disaster. Or maybe I spoke too soon! The power just flickered. It is really windy outside right now.

Bobby took some pictures out in the yard when he went out to clear the front steps.

When we first opened the back door this morning, the poor Goldens didn't know what to do, as the steps were buried under a mound of snow. Eventually, they got brave and waded out onto the steps and then got stuck.

So Alex did the logical thing and decided to just lay down in the snow.

Eventually, they figured out how to wade through the snow. Phil wisely just followed behind Alex and so let Alex do all the hard work of blazing trails through about two feet of snow.

Freyja laid in front of the open door and looked out at the snow and said, "FUCK NO." (She really did. She is my cat. She curses something fierce.) She doesn't go outside anyway and today was not the day to start.

The garden in the corner of the yard. The two humps are our composters. You can tell how the snow has been blowing because everything is covered on all sides!

Looking across the street at our neighbor's house.

This was just a good picture of Old Piss, so why not.

And poor Phil looks a vision of misery.

Because Phil is more feathery than Alex, he gets these little balls of snow in his feathers that look like a decoration at a cheesy Mexican restaurant.

Moryo, submerged.

But not as badly as the red car, which is just completely covered.

The lamppost. (There is something about an old-fashioned lamppost that always makes pretty winter pictures.)

The front of the house, with Old Glory trailing on the ground because the snow is so high!

And Bobby's snowman, lovingly constructed with a traditional carrot nose, mouth and buttons made of hickory nuts, and stale-Oreo-cookie eyes. However, as I pointed out to Bobby, it will be hella creepy when the birds start pecking out his eyes. I suggested that Bobby build a gibbet around him, which said he would do if he had the available materials. And, thus, something cute and kinda whimsical took its usual dark turn with us.

And now that we're all cold looking at those pictures of snow ...

Freyja is now big enough to jump onto counters. She is banished from all counters in the house except in the bathroom, where she had discovered a fascination with our bowl sink. She loves to watch me run water in the sink and plays in the water. And she lays in the sink.

This post was originally posted on Dreamwidth and, using my Felagundish Elf magic, crossposted to LiveJournal. You can comment here or there!

lancelot, pictures, alex, snow, freyja, weather

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