Fandom Snowflake Challenge: Day 8

Jan 08, 2014 20:04

In your own space, create a love meme for yourself. Let people tell you how amazing and awesome and loveable you really are. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so. Surf the comments and find people to give love to.

I totally understand how people are saying this one is hard. It is! I read it and thought, "OMG totally going to skip this one ..." But then I started searching for people I knew in the comments and saw how many kind and talented people I knew were prefacing their posts with, "I'm not deserving of praise but ..."

But you are. Even as I understand where the impulse comes from, it makes me sad when I see people--especially women--downplay their contributions and talents. Women, this is part of the reason why guys with half of your talent and none of your generosity of spirit are publishing and getting promoted and collecting accolades while you go mostly unacknowledged.

One of the most difficult things I ever typed was the first time I admitted, "I am intelligent and a good writer." I deleted it, retyped and deleted it again, before retyping it a third time and click POST before I could change my mind. It was such a simply statement and not even that grandiose, but I was convinced that I was being prideful and big-headed because I was saying "out loud" what was abundantly obvious to the people around me.

So forgive me if, even if you tell me not to, I show you yourself through my eyes. Some of the best people I know are part of this fandom! So as awkward as it feels, please consider doing this challenge (and please tell me or post to the challenge thread if you do so that I can show you the love you deserve! :)

This post was originally posted on Dreamwidth and, using my Felagundish Elf magic, crossposted to LiveJournal. You can comment here or there!

snowflake challenge

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