Sh*t Vegans Say

Jan 16, 2012 00:02

I actually found this on the LiveJournal front page. I guess that means I can't be all snobby about how the LiveJournal front page is shallow and useless anymore.

Well ... on second thought, I'm not sure this doesn't still count as shallow ...

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That was so me when I first became a vegetarian! (To be fair, I was only 12 at the time ...) That was me on the phone with people like the USDA Meat Safety Hotline, stumping with my animal rights message. That was me handing out leaflets at my elementary school's Holiday Shopping Fair. That was me squinting at ingredients lists and pondering whether the lecithin was vegetable-based if it didn't specify.

Some shit vegetarians/vegans say that I would add ...

"Do you know what happened to that ham sandwich while it was still a pig?"

"Meat is murder!"

"Meat is just rotting corpses!"

"Humans are meant to be vegetarians!"

*unscientific but impressive-sounding garbledegook*

"It's easy being vegetarian!"

"Meat is murder!"

"So what if I still eat honey? You still feed your cats meat-based cat food!"

"I so can't tell this difference between this vegetarian bacon and real bacon!"
[Yes you can. You so can.]

"Can I get that made without the meat?"
[I still say that one a lot, actually. >.<]

"Raising animals for food is oppressive. Like slavery!"

"Humans are the only animals that drink milk after infancy."

"Ewww. You still drink animal secretions??"

"Meat is murder!"

"It's perfectly safe to feed your dog and cat a vegetarian diet! Really!!"

"If people were meant to eat meat, then why can't we eat raw chicken??"

"If everyone in the U.S. stopped eating meat, we could feed all the hungry people in the world with the leftover grain!"

"You won't miss eating cheese!"
[Hell yeah I will.]

"Tofu is really good! Really!"

"Meat is murder!!!1!"

This post was originally posted on Dreamwidth and, using my Felagundish Elf magic, crossposted to LiveJournal. You can comment here or there!
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