You're Kidding Me

Nov 14, 2011 10:26

When I started teaching, I obtained for myself one of those portable USB drives so that I could work on planning and materials on my laptop and desktop and easily transfer between the two. I have a rather bad history with these things; the infamous near-loss of most of the first draft of AMC occurred when one corrupted, and I've lost stories since then when they've corrupted or stopped working for whatever reason.

Now this one is acting up.

When I plug it in, my computer "sees" the drive, but when I try to open it, it prompts me to format the disk. Which will, of course, erase all of my data. It won't let me view the files if I click "No" to formatting.

I do back it up occasionally, but I've created a lot of materials within the past week that I haven't backed up yet and, at this point, I can only assume are lost.

I don't get it. People use these things all the time. No one can ever believe that I've had not only one but two of them corrupt on me, then a third that wouldn't open and also became unusable. Now this. These things seem to hate me. I don't abuse my stuff. It goes into my home computer, laptop, and the computers in the teacher room. Otherwise, it rides in a pocket in my backpack. It's only a little over two months old, and nothing has happened to it that would explain why it's suddenly decided not to work.

If, in fact, my data is gone, it's not a travesty on the level of when I thought I lost almost all of AMC, but it is many hours of materials that I now have to recreate, which is annoying. (For the third time, in one case, since I lost it once already when Bobby flipped a breaker that shut of my desktop and, for whatever reason, Word didn't auto-recover anything.) I'm definitely done with these portable drive thingies. Four's a charm for me. I'll just manage with pulling files from my computer at home using Data Deposit Box or just do all of my work on my laptop.

But if anyone has any advice, I'd be very grateful. I'm notoriously ignorant of anything hardware-related.

This post was originally posted on Dreamwidth and, using my Felagundish Elf magic, crossposted to LiveJournal. You can comment here or there!


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