Heretic Loremaster Stuff

Jun 23, 2010 21:17

As some of you already know, in addition to my LJ--which is for personal stuff and stories--I have a weble called The Heretic Loremaster for critical discussions of Tolkien's books and fandom and literature in general. I used to keep all of this stuff on my LJ but separated it because the types of responses that I felt were acceptable to my critical posts I was uncomfortable having applied to my personal posts, and I felt like mixing the two was a bad idea. Also, at the time, I was very annoyed with LJ and didn't want to give them any more traffic than I had to, so I moved my critical discussions off of LJ entirely.

Anyway, there are two HL-related issues. First of all, since I am now freelancing, I am back to trying to get the HL off the ground. One of my goals, when I first set it up, was to provide a discussion forum for critical discussions of literature and book-based fandoms. However, because my life has been so busy, I haven't been able to do much beyond post my own thoughts occasionally. But I would like others to write with me and so am asking if anyone would be interested in being a regular writer on The Heretic Loremaster or a guest writer.

The goal of the HL is to discuss literature and literature-based fandom from a critical perspective that also looks at literature as a means for propagating or fighting oppression. It is not a Tolkien-only weble; in fact, I would love to have writers or occasional posts about other book-based fandoms.

I have whole post about what is expected of HL writers but, in a nutshell, I'd ask regular writers to post at least twice per month on topics related to literature or fandom. Occasional posts on related topics are cool too. For example, I sometimes write movie reviews or talk about writing.

My posts are generally long *ahem*, but posts in general don't have to be. A minimum of 500 words might to a good point to aim for, but there are certainly times when shorter posts would be acceptable.

Now, some people are probably feeling squirmy and thinking that writing about books and meta might be cool "but surely she doesn't mean meeeee." Yes, I do. I hope that anyone who knows me well knows that I don't buy into that whole popularity thing. I don't care how many people are on your flist or how many MEFAs you've won or how long you've been in fandom. I don't care if we're friends or if we've ever spoken.

If you're interested or have a question, either leave a comment here or there or email me at Guest posts are also welcome, so if you ever write an essay about a book or a piece of meta about fandom and would like to post it more widely, please let me know, and if I think it will fit on the HL, I'd be happy to have it posted there as well.

Now, the second issue concerns posting to LJ. I am no longer angry with LJ like I once was. It still ain't what it used to be but at least the current management doesn't seem bound and determined to piss off fandom every six months and hasn't, to the best of my knowledge, done anything insanely stupid along the magnitudes of Strikethrough at all, so I'm willing to vote with my feet back here again. The HL does have a feed, heretic_lore, that will add notifications of new posts to your friends list, but if people would rather see HL content more accessible on LJ, then I'm willing to consider it. (The only thing I'm not considering is posting it here on my personal LJ, as that did not work well for me back when I used to do it. But I would link to it or post the start of the post with a link to the rest on the main site. Or set up a separate account to cross-post to.)

Anyway, if you have an opinion, there be a poll.

Poll Heretic Loremaster Posting Options

But, really, I'm hoping that some of you smart cookies on my flist might want to come write with me occasionally. :)

heretic loremaster

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