Terrorist Bastards

Jul 07, 2005 14:03

This morning, subways and buses in London were bombed. I have heard that an Islamic fundamentalist group--I haven't heard which yet--is claiming responsibility for the attacks. Bastards! Can I say it enough? Bastards, bastards, bastards!

Luckily, all of my London homies are accounted for so far. Should this happen into the sights of someone affected by the attacks, know that--for what it's worth--my strongest thoughts are with you, your friends, and your families. It is not hard for me to imagine what you are going through, as I can remember what I went through on 9/11. Memory of that day still makes me cry, and I do not cry easily, folks. But that will do it.

What pisses me off the most is that this shit happens in the name of religion. Of religion!!! In the name of a fairy-story that is supposed to promote peace and goodwill. These al-Quaeda fuckers (and I know I just spelled that wrong, but they don't deserve their name spelled right) are just another chapter in a very long book of violence, hate, and intolerance in the name of religion.

I am agnostic, so maybe it is hard for me to understand how people can take this crap literally to the point where they are willing to commit murder--and mass murder at that--because of something they read in a book. I have read parts of the Bible and other religious texts; they are suitable as guides for how one should live his or her life, but when people start taking this stuff too literally, then it seems that hate always flowers not far behind. We have the Moslems bombing trains and crashing planes into buildings; the Christians are bombing abortion clinics and burning people alive because they're gay...what the hell is wrong with people? Do they honestly think that Jesus or Muhammed or whomever their religion idolizes would want them to do this? Why do people feel their own beliefs so threatened because others do not share them? When did private prayer and faith cease to be enough?

(Actually, it never was. I am well aware that religious fanaticism is nothing new; it has been around, probably, as long as religion has. Or not long after.)

Anyway, that done, suffice to say that my coworkers haven't been making this much easier. Diane (Most Annoying Coworker of the Year recipient) has been calling me all bloody day. A minute ago, she beeped me on the Nextel to ask, "Do I have any new warrants in my box?"

"Yes," I said, "one. Kathy brought it today, and I just put it down there."

"It's not the old one I asked you to copy for me, is it?"

Did I not just f***ing say that Kathy brought it today??? Am I the only one around here with functional ears and brain???

(For those who don't know, Diane has been my nemesis for the last year I have worked here. Denser than a block of wood, and who does she seek to blame for her stupidity? I'll give you one good guess.)

That's guvment for you, I guess. Crappily yours,
Medium Dawn Felagund of the Fountain
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