Would You Like Some W(h)ine with Your LJ?

Dec 14, 2007 16:28

Lately, I've begun to wonder if the people around me are really as big of asshats as they seem or if I am just thin-skinned and hypersensitive. It just seems like the people around me are so unbelievably rude, and I am no longer able to tolerate it. Oh, I used to be good at tolerating rudeness: I "worked in food" for six years. Hungry people are crabby people; you get used to it or you get out. Lately, though ...

Take today. I had to file a detainer, so I called the detention center to confirm and, lo, their number had changed! So I took down the new Records number and new fax number, sent off my detainer, and then emailed the supervisor of the unit that puts our warrants into the computer to let her know that she could remove this one; that it had been served via detainer. Since I know that she also calls detention centers a lot to verify incarceration and file detainers, I thought I'd save her the trouble of having to figure out the new numbers, as I'd done, and sent them with my email.

She writes back: "We had their new numbers on file for some time now."

Wouldn't it have been enough to simply type back, "Thanks!" or even to say nothing at all? Why the effort to make me feel stupid just for trying to be nice and save her a little work? (And furthermore, why didn't she inform me of the change when it occurred, since it apparently has been "some time now" since they changed the numbers?)

Yes, I know how petty and stupid this is, which is why I wonder if it's me and not the world. In truth, I have been very crabby lately. It comes with the time of the year: I'm stressed because of the holidays, I'm exhausted, and I'm cold pretty much every moment that I'm awake. Right now, I'm dealing with a terrible glare from the setting sun on my monitor, but I won't get up to close the blinds because this is the first time that I've felt warm for more than a few minutes in ... well, weeks, probably. Ever since "winter" started (and yes, I know full well that winter doesn't actually start for a week yet, which is even more depressing). So I'll lean at an awkward angle whenever the cursor gets to the far right half of the monitor and deal.

Anyway. These little things just annoy me more and more the older that I get. And I'm not old! I'm 26! That's far too early to be jaded by humanity. Believe it or not, I used to actually like people. I chose to change from studying biology to psychology because I found the people that I worked with--customers and coworkers--so fascinating, back in my day at The Piece. If I hadn't graduated in the worst year for unemployment (and, therefore, by association, grad school admissions) and ended up stuck here, then I probably would be getting ready to graduate into a life of listening to and treating people all day. Now I think: Ick. Maybe it wasn't wholly bad that Bush fucked up the economy and cut funding for higher education, eh? (And there you have the misanthropic optimist! Weird, eh?)

These days, I think that I would be perfectly happy as a hermit, save my husband and my Goldens and maybe (occasionally) a friend or family member who also counts as a friend.

Well, that's all the time I have to whine today. It's almost time to go home, and I have to shut down all of the equipment in my office and unplug it because they're messing with the electricity tomorrow and are afraid of power surges. Crawling on the floor under my panel furniture: joy. Anyway, I suppose that this post officially marks the start of winter for me, in the emotional sense, soon to be followed by depression, profound lack of inspiration, and regret that the least-busy time of the year for me, when I could be über-productive, is about to be squandered on moping and self-pity.

I love winter.

work, daily life

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