Because, Yes, I Need Another Drain on My Time ...

Oct 20, 2007 22:13

... then I am taking up calligraphy and illumination in the SCA.

Yes, I am aware that they are completely separate disciplines. But I'm doing both because the only thing better than one time-draining new hobby is two time-draining new hobbies ( Read more... )


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Comments 57

isil_elensar October 21 2007, 04:07:48 UTC
I've helped paint scrolls. They had already been made, all it required was for us to fill in the color. It was fun, I thought.

I haven't played in a long while. Maybe someday I'll make a return. Maybe by the time I come back, I'll be able to change my name since I'll essentially be someone "new." Those that knew me before may have moved on... a new "identity" wouldn't be that hard to contrive. ;-)


dawn_felagund October 23 2007, 00:04:52 UTC
Personally, I think you should join us next summer for Pennsic ... ;)

It's only a few hours north of where we live!

And we could rollerskate too! (Not at Pennsic, of course.)

I'm in the process of working on my persona now. I'm itching to do all the necessary research but am currently in the midst of the pre-NaNo crunch, as well you know. It's sad when I look forward to the NaNo for a break!

Pennsic! Pennsic! Pennsic!



frenchpony October 21 2007, 04:14:07 UTC
Does this mean that you are now one of the Illuminati?

It's kind of too bad you aren't Jewish. There is a real market for illuminators, as there are still quite a few Orthodox couples willing to shell out for a nicely illuminated ketubah (marriage contract). Great-Uncle Gersh does this for a living up in Rogers Park.


heartofoshun October 21 2007, 15:22:38 UTC
The Illuminati! Nice one, Frenchpony. I think the having an illuminated ketubah is picking up among very distinctly not Orthodox couples around here.


dawn_felagund October 23 2007, 00:06:42 UTC
That's fantastic! I always love to hear that the old-school arts live on somewhere. :)

At this point, unfortunately, I am still an Illumin00b.

Also, you told me once, and I've forgotten ... what is the Jewish style of calligraphy called where the colors and shapes of the letters form an image?


frenchpony October 23 2007, 01:32:36 UTC
I always love to hear that the old-school arts live on somewhere. :)

Woman, acquire thyself a copy of this book posthaste! It's older than you are, but oh my god it's fun!

Also, you told me once, and I've forgotten ... what is the Jewish style of calligraphy called where the colors and shapes of the letters form an image?

I don't think I ever told you what it's called, because I don't know the technical term for it. It isn't really a style of calligraphy -- not in the sense of making fancy beautiful letters. The letters used are often very small and crabbed. It's a style of art intended to be representational without actually representing anything. I don't even know how old or how widespread that technique is.


tarion_anarore October 21 2007, 04:34:09 UTC
My philosophy on my own artwork has always been: if it can be done in four square inches, then why not try it in one?

I think this is hilarious because you're writing style is exactly the opposite. ;P


heartofoshun October 21 2007, 15:33:02 UTC
Hehehe--"writing style is exactly the opposite"--I am allowed to laugh because, if anything, I am wordier than thou.


tarion_anarore October 21 2007, 18:21:47 UTC
Wordier than me or Dawn? It's certainly not all that difficult to be wordier than me! ;D


heartofoshun October 21 2007, 18:24:52 UTC
Oops! Sorry--meant Dawn, not you. You are not wordy. I am and not very clear either! Funny how in my case the number of words used don't seem to help at all. Fewer and I am completely obscure--more and it's just too tangled to be worth the effort.


rhapsody11 October 21 2007, 11:59:48 UTC
OKay, I am going to ask the blonde question since my brains ran off since last friday and haven't returned just yet... what is Illumination? I really cant tell from the entry what it exactly is. It sounds very exciting :)


heartofoshun October 21 2007, 15:31:22 UTC
I should let Dawn answer that, since I am sure she will enjoy doing so. (Hope she's not busy all day--he that case I will tell you--just let me know.)

But was just thinking of what a lovely word illumination is abstracted/removed from it's concrete, specific meaning here (which is very beautiful as well): Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment, a lighting-up or bringing light or brightness to something--or as in relating to luminous, glowing, filling-with-light. It must sound so interesting.


dawn_felagund October 23 2007, 00:18:00 UTC
I agree with you, Oshun. I love the name too. There is just something about the idea of using paints to "illuminate" something that speaks to my inner artist-geek.

Much more beautiful and exotic than fluorescent lightbulbs. ;)


tarion_anarore October 21 2007, 18:16:54 UTC
Oh good, I am not the only one with this problem/question! :)


oloriel October 21 2007, 16:31:23 UTC
Okay, here's me being a bit jealous you're getting a chance to learn such wonderful things with professional guidance!

Hope you have a lot of fun, and share some pictures of your work if you feel comfortable enough with it! Illumination amazes me to no end (even though my own attempts have little to do with the original concept ;)), and calligraphy is such fun. It's such a pity pretty handwriting is no longer needed much in our society...


dawn_felagund October 23 2007, 00:40:47 UTC
I'm not sure, but I'd bet that the SCA is in Germany as well. There might be a shire or a barony in your area. ;)

And the best thing about SCA is that you say, "I want to learn this," and people are willing to teach you. Or, if they can't, to help you find someone who can.

I mean, I'm awed that Master Tristan would take his time with such an utter n00b as me. Surely he has more important things to do!

But that is so many people in SCA that I have met so far. They tell newbies, "Just go up and ask someone what they're doing." To introverted me, that is horrifying ... but people really will show you. (Modern technology aids me in my shyness because I'll post to an email list before I'll ask someone in person for help. ;)

So, long story short, if you have SCA in your area, we could be Illumin00bs together! :^D

I will definitely share whatever I create. I'm actually much shyer about my writing than my artwork (though I have more of the former than the latter and am certainly better at the former than the latter).


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