Alex at the Vet and MHC Shuts Down

Mar 19, 2007 21:27

Alex went to the vet today. Here are the conclusions:
  • He now weighs 57 lbs/26 kg. I figured in the low 50s ... when the tech said 57 lbs, I nearly fell over! He's only six months old! Wow!
  • He's probably going to be neutered on Monday. Lick 'em while they last, Alex.
  • And the bad news ... he was diagnosed with Lyme disease today. The good thing is that it's really not that big a deal, as far as doggie diseases go. It's possible for the test to be a false positive, so he might not even really have it. He'll take antibiotics for a month anyway. The vet isn't worried about it and explained how we'll treat him. It might go away; it might not. He hasn't showed any symptoms, so it looks like we caught it early.
In the U.S., 97% of Lyme disease cases occur in just ten states. Maryland is one of the ten states. As Bobby pointed out, he and I could have it and not know it; it is transmitted by the deer tick. It is roughly the size of a pinhead. I've found one on myself before, though it was not attached. I kept it to show to Bobby, for educational purposes, of course. One of the vet techs actually has Lyme disease; my aunt had it as well (though hers was advanced and her doctor thought that she was malingering and wrote off her symptoms, so half her face is paralyzed. Yay medical arrogance.)

Alex just jumped up on the couch next to me with this soggy, icky rawhide bone that he's worked down to mush. My baby ... *pets*

Okay, he just jumped down ... and left the mush-bone with me. Thanks, Alex.

Meanwhile, on work-related news, there is now one less jail behind my office.

The Maryland House of Corrections--one of three jails that is located behind my office in Jessup--closed this weekend without notice. The prisoners were moved to the new prison in Cumberland, federal prisons, and out-of-state facilities in the middle of the night. MHC is one of the most notoriously violent prisons in the country. Last summer, a correctional officer was murdered there and three inmates; less than a month ago, another correctional officer was stabbed, though (luckily) he lived. The Public Safety Secretary decided to close MHC because the facility was over one hundred years old and the design was no longer safe for inmates or officers. There are other reasons too, but that is the biggie.

There is a Baltimore Sun article.

It's a pretty big deal here in old Merrlund. MHC--nicknamed "the Cut"--sort of is Jessup. I had to park in the lower lot today because we had a shredder truck come to get rid of all the old files, and I kept looking back at MHC and thinking that it's not really there anymore ... not that this is a bad thing. Yep, having a violent prison behind one's office is not always the most comforting thought. Especially when said Research Analyst is such a ditz that she doesn't hear the alarm going off anymore. (Though part of this is because they test it every Wednesday at noon, so I'm just used to hearing it.)

Other life updates: Bobby and I have half-days at work tomorrow because we're driving up to Hershey to see the Stars on Ice show tomorrow night. I have a good husband ... he buys me Stars on Ice tickets and even sits through it with me without complaint. I figure that I owe him at least three stupid action movies for that.

Wednesday, we are off from work; I don't know what we'll be doing (since the weather might be nice and it is the first day of Spring), so I might not be online much.

Today, the work computers were slow so I decided not to do anything computer-related that was also work-related. Work-related stuff that did not involve computers was okay and computer-related stuff that did not involve work (and the network, which was what was slow) was okay too. So I got a lot done. I reformatted Of the Valar and the Building of Valinor for the HoMe reading, so I just need to convert it to PDF and upload it to SWG and HA. That took the entire morning and much of the afternoon. I did a critique for Critters. And I finally (finally!) finished Bobby's Valentine's Day story. It will be posted here (f-locked) just as soon as he reads it.

Yesterday, I finished the notes and summaries for The Music of the Ainur, did a fanfic beta, and cleaned half of my Gandalf-and-cart model. (Those of you who want access to my HoMe notes who may have missed the original post ... go here. The new stuff will be posted soon.) It seems that that quick whiff of Spring that we got last week was enough to clear me of my apathy!

work, alex, daily life

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