
Feb 27, 2007 21:59

This world is not meant for people whose natural sleep preferences have them up late and waking late. If I get my schedule off for one day, then I am exhausted for the rest of the week. Bobby and I stayed up late on Sunday to watch the Academy Awards--being something of movie fans, if that was not obvious--and that hour-and-a-half off of my sleep that night still has me messed up. Yet tonight, at 10, when I should be going to bed to compensate, I will be wide-awake and working on something silly. Or (heh) watching a movie. Bobby ordered The US Versus John Lennon for me from Netflix, so we might start that tonight, if it came in.

I took a nap at my desk today and woke myself up breathing in a loudish manner that was nearly snoring and that I hope Johnny the Boss didn't hear. Though I've heard him snoring in his office, so ...

Anyhoo, despite not having posted in a few days, I'm not dead, just tired and busy with the usual (mostly) frivolous crap that is always there and never seems to get finished. Meh. Because I am too lazy to string together things like coherent sentences with transitions, ye olde "unordered list" will be my friend yet again.

  • My grandmother-in-law collapsed while out shopping this weekend and had to be taken to the hospital. Luckily, extensive tests revealed that nothing seemed really wrong; she was dehydrated and had low potassium, and that was blamed. I don't know how good a conclusion this was since I received what was probably fourth-hand knowledge, but if I'm not supposed to worry, then I won't argue with that.

    Because nothing is sacred in my family, then we had a chuckle that she was in Scratch 'n' Dent when it happened. Everything that Mom-Mom gets for us has a price written on it in black Sharpie, meaning that it came from Scratch 'n' Dent. Mom-Mom and Scratch 'n' Dent have a long history. First, one of Mom-Mom's good friends was fired from Scratch 'n' Dent for giving Mom-Mom too many five-finger discounts. Oopsie. Then the Rite Aid next to Scratch 'n' Dent literally blew up one day and took Scratch 'n' Dent with it. Luckily, it was the middle of the night, so no one was hurt. We all thought that Mom-Mom would pine away, though. Luckily, Scratch 'n' Dent reopened in a new location, well away from any Rite Aids.

    Last I talked to Mom-Mom this weekend, she was quite happily watching some "bloodsucker shows" (read: old vampire movies) on television. If Mom-Mom likes one thing, it is vampire movies. But I did have reason to get annoyed because, first, after sitting in the emergency room all day with nothing to eat, Mom-Mom is checked in around 7 p.m., asks for something to eat, and is given a single graham cracker and a cup of water because "her insurance information hasn't been processed yet." Dude. WTF? Then, her roommate checks out the next day, and she asks to have the TV turned on because she's lonely but, noooo ... she doesn't have a bank card so they can't do that. Luckily, my father-in-law let her use his. Again, though, WTF?? Everything these days is about fucking money. Would it have killed someone to put on the TV for a lonely old lady for an hour without worrying about how the hell she was going to pay for it?

    Anyhoo, understandably, this was the Big Weekend Drama.

  • Speaking of drama of another sort, it seems that Juno, Jael, and I--not to mention the others who were nominated--will not be winning awards for being the Smuggest Fan Fiction writers of 2007. The founders of this estimable honor have decided to take down the award after getting into a rather amusing little tizzy about who was stupid and who was immature, during which at least one stormed off in a virtual huff because this was supposed to be about bad authors, not good authors, and the award was turning into an opportunity to "spork" people whom the nominators simply did not like. As Juno so sagely remarked, for entertainment that good, they really should have charged for it!

    Meanwhile, the SMUG Awards are still going strong ...

  • I am making an Alex mood theme and attempting to use a different picture for each of the 115 available moods. I have forty so far. *wince* Not very good, I know. I need to take more pictures of Alex. Getting all the "tired," "content" moods was easy, but scared? Angry? Alex is none of those things! Anyway, what I have so far is here (with many duplicates that will hopefully not be in the final product). I will be happy to share this mood theme with anyone who wants it, when it is finished.

  • Kathy--i.e. The Coworker from Hell from Yon Days--came into the office today. She managed to keep the drama to a minimum, though she did attempt to trash talk about her ex-partner Warren. "Oh, I bet he's upset that he actually has to work now." Yes, Kathy, go to Johnny's office and look at the stats on the board; he arrests as many people as you did without all the personal drama in between. Warren is always pleasant when I call him ... even when I call Friday afternoon with an emergency warrant that needs to be taken care of ASAP. He also picks up my warrants and manages to do so more than once per week. Also, Warren does not feel the need to interject conversations with odd personal information that no one needs to know. Like, "I don't worry about tampons because I've been fixed" or "I'm smooth as a baby's bottom down there because that's how the Big Guy likes it!" (Actually, to hear Warren say the first thing would be especially disturbing ... on multiple levels.)

    Speaking of annoying coworkers, the current Coworker from Hell (that would be Diane) told her partner Vernon that she "sat me down and had a stern talk with me about how when she asks for things, then I need to do them because I've never been a police officer, and her work is important." Now anyone who knows me ... would the Dawn Felagund that you know sit contritely and endure such a verbal berating that basically asserts that I exist as nothing more than a brainless office monkey there to do her bidding because she's too stupid/lazy/whatever to learn to use a fax machine? Well, the Dawn Felagund that Johnny and Vernon know wouldn't either ... they thought it was hilarious. And knew that it wasn't true. Johnny told me about it, prefacing it with, "Now Dawn, consider the source and try not to get annoyed ..." Heh. Amused was more like it! I asked Johnny: "Am I truly so scary that people can't talk to me about issues that they have with me but yet feel the need to talk behind my back and pretend like they gave me a thorough dressing down?" Keep in mind that this was the day after all the fandom drama as well ... I was quite annoyed with people bashing Big Bad Dawn Felagund behind her back but then coming out all meek and cowardly and pretending like nothing was going on. Grrr.

  • I spent six hours over the past two days doing a line-by-line comparison of The Ainulindale (from the Silm) and The Music of the Ainur (from HoMe1). I am enjoying this project way too much. I might make some of my notes available to people who are interested. Then again, I'm not sure that I want to open that can of worms quite yet. Any thoughts (or expressions of interest in dissecting the minutia of HoMe) would be appreciated.

  • Alex is getting his big-boy teeth in. Bobby and I have found one of his incisors and a molar-and-a-half on the carpet. Last I looked into his mouth, he'd lost all but one of his canine teeth. The new teeth are huge and very white. I will definitely have to start brushing his teeth now.

  • Just when most of the ice had melted, we got more snow, from the storm that rocked the Midwest. Boooo ... Of course, temperatures spiked today, so most of it is melted. I even lived the dream a bit and went out to lunch without a coat on, pretending that it was spring. *sigh* Only three weeks left ...

  • My short story "Cold Hands" is up for critique in the Critters workshop this week. Eep.

ETA: I keep meaning to ask ... does anyone know what happened with niothwen? I went onto my userinfo one day, and lo, she'd deleted her journal. I hadn't heard from her in a while, but I knew that her RL was very hectic at the moment and so didn't think much of it.

Still ... I dislike situations like this because, on the one hand, there is someone whom I liked and cared about, but it still feels like this is "only the Internet" and people should be able to come and go without meddling twits like me poking at them and worrying. Maybe she just lost interest or was too busy ... still, deleting a journal seems like such a big thing to do without letting people know that there's no need to worry.

So I am worried and would appreciate any insight any of you might have to offer...?

daily life

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