A Bad Day Gone...Good?

Feb 20, 2007 21:21

Maybe not good, but definitely better.

It started crappy, though. Well, it started last night. Maryland is in one of its wild temperature fluctuations again. After a week of high temperatures around 28F (-2C), suddenly the temperatures jumped today to 50F (10C). The good thing is that this started to melt the ice floe that Maryland had become. As of yesterday, I still could not punch through the ice and was getting rather tired of sliding everywhere. Today, finally, my feet crunched through just a teensy bit.

But it is bad in that the thermostats everywhere were cranked up to deal with 28 degrees...and suddenly, it was 50. Last night, I tossed the whole night, too warm. Then I woke up too cold. When I got up for work, I was soaked with sweat.

Work today felt like the deepest level of Hell. I had to put on the air conditioning in my office. Ridiculous.

Given the fickle weather of this state, you'd think we'd be used to dealing with it. Not at all.

But before I got to work, I went downstairs, got in my car, turned the key, and...nothing. Now my stupid battery was weak, I know, but dude. It lasted through a week of 28 degree highs. Today, it is 45 degrees in the morning, and the stupid thing won't start. What the hell, car?

So I called Johnny the Boss and he made arrangements to have Brian pick me up, which was cool, as Brian is a scuba diver, so we spent the ride into work complaining about the no-mask swim during dive certification.

Once I got into work, I realized that I had one tiny problem: The first day of the week, I always treat myself to a lunch out. By now, 9:30, I was already starving, as I had not had breakfast. And...I had no car. And...I had no lunch packed.

So I made a meal off of a Bowl Appetit, a microwaveable cup of black bean soup, some two-week-old tortilla chips that I had lying in the fridge downstairs, and a half-glass of water. Meh.

One should realize that the 'gund requires frequent large feedings. Seriously. I can out-eat nearly anyone.

Around 11:30, my phone rings. It's my mother-in-law. She'd shown up at the apartment to babysit Alex and realized that the apartment key must have fallen off somewhere between Here and There. So she couldn't get in. And I, of course, had no car to drive home and let her in. Luckily, my father-in-law was with her and, luckily, Bobby had listed him as an emergency contact on our lease, and so they agreed to let him in. During that time, because it was so warm and everything was melting and slippery, his truck got stuck on some ice in the parking lot (that Howard Crossing did a shitty job clearing, I might add), and they had to pay someone to pull him out.

All this before noon!

At 3:30, Bobby shows up an hour early to pick me up from work. Why? Because he's sick and got sent home early. So we go home, I tuck him into bed, and he sleeps for the next two hours.

We went out for Italian for dinner since Dawn doesn't cook and Bobby didn't feel like it. That was nice. Meanwhile, because Bobby was so miserable, then I forced myself into cheeriness on his behalf. I've noticed that about myself: When everyone else is miserable, then I get really happy to try to change the mood. Luckily, it worked.

And...when I got home, my copy of Aiglos was in!

"Dawn, you got something crazy," Bobby said, which means that it comes from overseas, likely from one of my online friends. It took me a minute, then I realized. Aiglos! A few months back, Kasiopea wrote to me and asked if she might translate my story "Constellation" into Polish to publish in Aiglos. Naturally, I agreed, so there I am: a story I wrote in a language I can't begin to read (the only words I know in Polish are the naughty ones, go figure!), with a gorgeous illustration by Kasiopea. It's good to see my name in print again, even if just my pen name. :)

I'd like to make a habit of that, I think!

publication, daily life

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