OME! Friday Memeage!

Jan 05, 2007 17:24

I haven't done the Friday memeage in ages. Here is thefridayfive.

1. Do you have any pets? If so, how many, and what are their names?

Currently, I have one golden retriever puppy named Alex. I also have about a dozen fish. Not all have names or have names that I have forgotten. But...

Maedhros is my ginormous, monstrous feather fin catfish.
Maglor is our plecostomus.
Celegorm is our bala shark.
Amrod is my one surviving yellow cichlid.
Arafinwe is the new bright-orange cichlid.
Finwe is a blue-with-black-stripes cichlid.

In the community tank, I've forgotten their names, though I think there's an Arafinwe in there too. Oooops....

2. What was your very first pet? Do you remember its name?

Buffy was the dog that my parents had when I was born. Buffy was a stray dog that my dad brought home from the city one day. He was little and scrappy and mean if he didn't think that you belonged. He once defended my sister and me against a neighbor's aggressive German Shepherd that had jumped our fence while we were playing outside.

In short, Buffy was hella cool.

3. Is there an animal you would never have as a pet?

As I was discussing with pulsarkat recently, I would not want a pet that I'd have to feed live animals, even crickets. I've wanted a tarantula for years, but I am not willing to buy and feed live prey, so I'll have to be content with the critters that I get to play with at the Aquarium.

Additionally, they are beautiful, but I would never keep saltwater fish. Saltwater fish are often poached off of coral reefs, which are already in frail condition due to pollution and global warming...we don't need to tax them further so that we can have "Nemo" in a home fishtank. The same goes for tropical birds unless I know that they were born in captivity in the United States. (Though I'd likely never keep another bird. I have trouble caging them and don't have the time to spend on enrichment.) But Bobby tells horror tales of crates of parrots intercepted at the southern border, being smuggled into the US. There are some industries that I simply refuse to support.

The same goes for wild animals kept as pets, like when you hear of people in NYC keeping cougars. WTF? A tabby cat would serve equally well in its stead for me.

4. What common pet have you always wanted but never had? Why not?

To go back to #3, I've always wanted a tarantula. I think that they're cool, and it would be delightful to freak people out with one. (Aren't I nice?) Bobby even said that I could have one...but I'm not cool with feeding live prey. I'll stick with my golden retriever and cichlids, thank you!

5. What wild animal (extinct or not) would you own if you didn't have to worry about its adjustment or the cost of captivity?

I'd like a zebra. Actually, a guy I knew had two zebras, and I used to pass them every day on my way to The Piece.

As far as fantasy animals go, of course, I'd keep Elves. Or unicorns.

And fannish5: What five scenes from fanfic (yours or anyone else's) would you like to see illustrated?

1. One has already been done by the lovely oloriel: that is my poor mutilated Rumil in the mask that Feanor makes him in AMC.

2. Telvo and Nandolin on that rock in the woods in "By the Light of Roses." *evil grin*

3. I'd like a semi-abstract rendition of something from the Halls of Mandos as I see it in "Return to Me" or "The Tapestries."

4. A scene involving the roses in "By the Light of Roses," either the happy scene or the sad one. (Can that count as two? This is harder than I thought!)

5. The House of Orome in AMC, built in the trees, with its winding stairways that always go where one needs them to go.

friday five, meme, fannish five

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