“Shattered” is a series of three double-drabbles about the relationship between Fëanor and Finwë, a relationship that is characterized by a charming blend of betrayal and obsessive love and culminates in exiles, heretic oaths, and kinslaying. This series is dedicated to
aramel_calawen, who understands as well as anyone the power of angsty Finwions.
Shattered )
My hands were growing hard with calluses.
Ah, not just the hands, eh Feanaro? I think that his seemingly danger-free life in Valinor hardened Feanaro more than any other Elf.
Footsteps rushing towards me and Father’s voice, “Fëanáro, I am-” The vase rolled and bounced on each step and would not break.
“-I am coming with you.”
Unharmed, it rolled from the last step to the floor. And shattered.
*gets all teary eyed*
Oh... and the second short story... O_O! *is stunned* I don't recall that you've approached these two from this perspective before. So... WOW! Putting the story in AMC verse and seeing Maitimo married... it's even more impressive. And yes, though it's dark, it's also smoldering with passion of which the short, violent exchange is but a glimpse. *loves*
I lift my fist to my mouth and lick away his blood.
Am I totally sick to find this hot?
I seem to recall that you found hottness in "Return to Me" as well, when Namo is healing Finrod and kisses his bruises and draws back lips wet with blood?
Now, the question here to ask: Which of us is more fucked up? Me for writing it? Or you for loving it so much??
*evil grin*
I tried to inject some tasty imagery and innuendo to make the piece feel sexual, even if, taken literally, it is not. I seem to have done okay in this by you? :)
Are they both nekkid? *grins*
Now, the question here to ask: Which of us is more fucked up? Me for writing it? Or you for loving it so much??
Eh... you just keep writing stuff like that, OK? >;)
I tried to inject some tasty imagery and innuendo to make the piece feel sexual, even if, taken literally, it is not. I seem to have done okay in this by you? :)
Well, you have done more than OK by me and I bet that I'm not the only one who thinks the same... *eyes common f-list and winks*
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