Friday Memeage!

Oct 29, 2006 22:56

The usual array of weekly memes that I'm supposed to do on Friday yet always end up posted on Sunday. Oh well.

A list of random questions, yoinked from pulsarkat and my lovely sister-in-law linwe_ancalime.

Your name spelled backwards: Dnugalef Nwad. Heh.

Where were your parents born? As far as I know, they were both born in Baltimore, Maryland.

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? The "irrepressible" icon from juno_magic and some gawdawful nonfiction thing that Sharon sent me. (No, she didn't write it.)

What's your favorite restaurant? As far as "real" food goes, it's definitely La Palapa and Trolley Stop, both in historic Ellicott City. In terms of fast food--or "quick service," as is the PC term in foodservice these days--it's Panera Bread and Taco Bell.

Last time you swam in a pool? *winces* My last day of confined water dive training. I've been trying to rest my hip and so I have not been swimming.

Have you ever been in a school play? In elementary school, we put on class plays, and I was naturally in them since I had no choice. Everyone was in them. The only roles I remember playing were a ghost in A Christmas Carol in third grade and a Victorian telephone operator in a movie called something like "How to Make Cheese Popcorn" in fourth grade that we made for the Maryland Film Festival. Oh, and I was a flying monkey in The Wizard of Oz, also in the third grade.

Are you registered to vote? Absolutely! It was the first thing I did when I turned 18.

Do you have cable? Yes. We were going to get rid of our digital cable and HDTV but Comcast offered us six months at a cheaper price than basic cable, so we've still got it. Right now, I'm glad because I'm listening to some truly wonderful Halloween tunes on digital Music Choice. (At the moment, some song called "Soul Stalker" by an unknown artist.)

Have you ever ridden on a moped? No.

Ever get a parking ticket? Personally, no, though someone once got a parking ticket while driving my car.

Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Possibly, though I prefer my adventures to have more purpose these days.

Furthest place you ever traveled? Sadly, Guanica, Puerto Rico. I've never been out of the United States and don't even have a passport yet.

Do you have a garden?: I have two pots of peppers--hot and bell--out on the balcony. Does that count?

What's your favorite comic strip?: Without a doubt, Peanuts by Charles Shultz. I have loved Peanuts for years now and own most of the anniversay collections and know far too much useless knowledge about it.

Bath or Shower, morning or night? I take showers and usually only at night. I am not a morning person, so the fifteen minutes that it takes to wash my uber-long hair is better applied to sleep!

Best movie you've seen in the past month? Hmmm...I see so damned many. In terms of theatrical releases, I really enjoyed The Departed. In terms of DVDs, Bobby and I rented a series of short horror films, and one called Cigarette Burns was absolutely fantastic.

Favorite pizza topping? Must I choose just one? Feta cheese, carmelized onions, roasted red peppers, green peppers, hot peppers, spinach....

Chips or popcorn? Popcorn. I'm not fond of most chips.

What color lipstick do you usually wear? I don't! For skating shows, I wear a dark purplish red.

Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No. I used to get invites all the time to "Miss Teen USA," but that is something in which I was not the least bit interested.

Orange Juice or apple? Apple. I don't like the pulp in orange juice, and it tastes nasty if drank after brushing one's teeth. (The toothpaste "shuts down" the sweet taste receptors on the tongue, so only the bitter flavors come through.)

Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? Bobby and I went to Stella Notte, a local Italian restaurant, for supper tonight.

Favorite type chocolate bar? Bobby got me a dark chocolate and raspberry Godiva bar that is simply delicious!

When was the last time you voted at the polls? A few weeks ago, at the primary elections.

Have you ever won a trophy? I have a whole box of skating trophies in our outdoor storage. Every skater got one every year, and they got progressively larger and larger as we skated for more years. Eventually, one of the girls in our class asked if we could choose not to get trophies, since we were running out of room for three-foot-tall fake-gold ornamentation, and the program director got really offended. So I never dared to ask, and I have twelve of the things as a result.

Are you a good cook? I don't cook "real" food; that is Bobby's responsibility in our family. People generally seem to like my ice cream, and I've gotten a few admissions of people binging on my candy, so I guess that I'm good at making junk food!

Do you know how to pump your own gas? Yes. I don't live in New Jersey, so we have to do that here.

Ever order an article from an infomercial? Perhaps "Ever seen an infomercial?" would be a better question. Since I don't watch TV, then no.

Sprite or 7-up? Sprite.

Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? A prescription refill.

Ever throw up in public? No, my fickle esophagus is quite well trained to restrain all vomiting until in an appropriate location.

Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? True love. Money makes life comfortable but not happy.

Do you believe in love at first sight?  No. I believe in attraction at first sight that can later turn to love and through confirmation bias come to be regarded as "love at first sight." Now aren't you sorry that you asked a social scientist that question? :^P

Ever call a 1-900 number? No. It's hard enough to get me to call my friends and family much less pay to talk on the phone.

Can exs be friends? Sure, but it depends on a lot of circumstances. The guy I dated before Bobby ended up a friend of both of us...and incidentally, the three of us were the Biology award recipients in our high school, which was a pretty odd coincidence.

Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My grandfather Pop-Pop before he died, two years ago.

What message is on your answering machine? I don't know, some random crap. I hate making voicemail messages and never expect anyone to call me anyway, so I don't keep it very up-to-date.

What is in your purse? The Bag of Weasels (my writing journal), a paperback copy of The Silmarillion, my zebra-print wallet, a pen and pencil, my cell phone, lip balm, a "footie sock" for trying on shoes, boarding pass stubs from my Puerto Rico vacation, a small bottle of hand lotion yoinked from a hotel in Ocean City, a pair of black leather gloves, hair scrunchies, a d6 (for computing D&D stats at work), a lollipop from Rocky Run Grill and Tap, a calligraphy pen (for D&D maps), an armband for my iPod, my iPod Maeglin, random trash, a mint from La Fiesta, a small binder clip, a Darwin-fish pin, a wad of napkins from Panera Bread and the movie theatre, a vial of ibuprofen, iPod headphones, mine and Bobby's aquarium badges, a locker key from the disastrous New Year's excursion at Wisp Resort (long story), emergency female supplies, my State ID badge on a Games Workshop lanyard, cold medicine, and an emergency dosage of Benadryl in case Bobby gets stung by a bee while we're hiking.

Favorite thing to do before bedtime? I like to read if going to bed by myself (i.e., when Bobby has a late hockey game, like tonight). If Bobby's home, we usually talk for ten or fifteen minutes about really silly things before eventually proclaiming ourselves effed up and going to bed.

What is one thing you are grateful for today? Bobby. He's a good husband.

The fannish5 seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird. However, the always industrious vana_tuivana found a Fannish Four to serve in its stead:

1. Who would you have a one-night stand with?
Feanor. I like the guy, and he's obviously *ahem* talented to have convinced Nerdanel into seven kids, but I doubt that I possess the patience to put up with him full time. We're both too high-strung. He'd drive me nuts.

2. Who would you marry?
Silly question. Maedhros. *points to icon*

3. Who would you party with?
I can't read this question without thinking of my ridiculous WiP satire "Election Farce of Nargothrond" where Orodreth loses Minas Tirith because he was drunk and horribly gaudy robes, nonetheless. All of the rest of the Noldor seem too smart and serious for too much partying, so I'll join the crew at Tol Sirion. I believe that beer pong was invented there.

4. Who would be your Best Friend Forever!!1!?
Finrod. He's a lot like me, so I think we'd get along pretty well. And we know for a fact that he was loyal to a fault.

This week's thefridayfive has to do with food. Again. *sigh* Alas, I am bored enough to do it.

1) What was the last thing that you ate?
A "Pizza Finito" at Stella Notte: mozarella cheese, gorgonzola, fresh basil, roasted red peppers, and carmelized onions. I had a Caeser salad to start, Italian bread dipped in olive oil, and a glass of iced tea.

2) Who was the last person you shared a meal with?
Bobby! We went to dinner together tonight.

3) What is your favorite all time dish (recipes welcome)?
Bobby makes some really fantastic meals, so it is hard to choose. He makes something that we call "little bur-burrs," which are miniature burritos with beans, cheese, and onions. He also makes great eggplant parmesan and pasta primavera.

I terms of what I make, my favorite iced treat is Mexican chocolate sorbet and my favorite candy is my milk-chocolate caramels. I'll gladly share the recipe for either or both, if anyone is interested in ice-cream- or candy-making.

4) If you could eat one thing for an entire year, what would it be?
Mexican food! We honestly do eat Mexican food three or four times a week. It is quick and easy to make at home, and we have several great restaurants in the area so we literally rotate. Also, Mexican food tends to provide a lot of vegetarian options or is easily adaptable, which is a big deal for our family, of course.

5) If you could have dinner with any five people (dead or alive) who would they be?
Dead, alive, or...imaginary?

Bobby would be at the top of the list. Yes, I eat with him every night, but eating honestly feels wrong and rather lonely without him.

I would then choose Maedhros, Feanor, and my original Midhavensverse characters Felak and Meryth.


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