"Mother, Mother Ocean, I Have Heard Your Call...."

Aug 29, 2006 22:00

Bobby and I decided a few weeks ago that we wanted to keep our SCUBA journals on LiveJournal so that other SCUBA-type people could easily read them. As our ideas tend to do, the initial innocent concept burgeoned to include our underwater photography, then our terrestrial photography, then the accounts of our hikes, then blogging about environment-related news items....

So we formed the community the_nautilus. As of today, the_nautilus is in business. Bobby started his first chemistry class tonight, so we will be using the community as a diary, a travel log, a dive journal, and a soapbox to rant about (and hopefully enlighten ourselves and others) about environment-related topics.

And we would like to invite anyone who shares our interest in nature to join our community!

Posting access is limited to us as the founders, but we hope that others will join us in conversation and that we can all learn a bit from each other.

The posts that I routinely make about our hikes and excursions will now be posted there. On occasion, when I think that there is something of general interest (like the butterfly pictures), I may post it here too, but the really down-'n'-dirty geeky stuff is mostly going to go there. Once we start SCUBA training, our dive journals will go there too, as will studenty rants that we will need once our schooling is really underway. (I.e., once we start organic chemisty....)

So if this sounds interesting to you, please check us out.

And that ends my pimp-post. I will now attempt to post our entire Ocean City adventure and pictures before bedtime. Ai....


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