Do your eyes deceive you? No! I have done a daily drabble again!
(Perhaps I should rename it the Occasional Drabble?)
Only it's not a drabble; it's actually 250 words. My mind can't even begin to conjure a name for this. (This from the woman who coined "drabunculus.")
So here, first, is the word of the day:
Word of the Day for 28 April 2006--'provenance' )
I've recently developed a fascination for The Ainulindale and the notion that even evil acts have their source in Eru (as I quoted in the loooong comment to Alina just above yours!) and that everything serves his purposes in the end. So when I saw the word for today, that was the first thing to come to mind, and it just had to be written! :^D
I would say that, given the clinical psychologist's definition of psychopathy, that, yes, Eru is definitely a psychopath of sorts! o.O Because psychopathy is believed to stem from a combination of reduced empathy and an inability to react to stimulus as a normal person does. So a normal person is stimulated by a rollercoaster or a scary movie, but a psychopath must commit murder to get the same "thrill." Or throw a bad seed like Melkor down to earth and watch the events unfold. ;)
An interesting thought, for sure. *ducks from lightning bolts*
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