So, Dawn, You're Still, Like, Alive and Stuff?

Apr 26, 2006 09:45

Yes, I am still alive. And stuff.

But I've been on a writing spree and so most of my "extacurricular" activities that I do at work that are not related to the stories that I am writing (currently two) have been bumped aside. So no ranting or raving in the LJ or writing 90 comments in a day.

If there's anyone to blame, it's her. *points to Alina* She gave me the bunny. ;)

After Alina read her holiday gift story, she immediately told me what she wanted for her birthday. Which is pretty crazy because her birthday's in June.

She asked for Feanor/Erestor smut. Yes, Feanor/Erestor. In the Alina!verse, Erestor was an Elf of Aman who was loyal to the Feanorians throughout the First Age. Of course, I--never being much for writing Third Age characters in any age--was initially baffled. Much head-scratching ensued. I could, though, simply write PWP. But PWP and I do not get along. I have never managed to write a PWP, even when that's what I set out to do.

So I stripped it down (stop laughing, Alina) to where I find stories are best to begin: the characters. AMC started this way, and 350,000 words later, something kind of like a story had been written. For Alina's project, I pondered the characters. How would a guy like Erestor get involved with a guy like Feanor? (Not romantically but how would they know each other at all?) So there were two tentative characters for Feanor and Erestor and a wee inkling of a plot, but of course, Feanor also has seven unruly sons, and they all demanded characters as well. And wee inklings of plots. And some of the sons have wives...and next thing I knew, I was pondering a mini-epic.

All to write PWP.

I've decided that PWP is the most dangerous request for me. Because it requires way to much invention on my part to try to insert plot into the pr0n (since I am apparently incapable of writing PWP). To ask for "Feanor's death scene" or "a fight between Feanor and Nerdanel" keeps it fairly concrete. Asking for, "Feanor. Erestor," though, is a ginormous can of worms.

But the story is fun so far! Yesterday, I reached twenty-two pages in Felak!font which is about 15K words. And on my ten-point outline, I'm at about point #4.5. It's kind of fun to play in someone else's verse for once rather than my own. Kind of like a fanfic of a fanfic.

The Midhavens stuff is also underway. meryth has been making up for my failure to write in my journal by writing in his. And RPing with talban.

Aside from that, I've been a little website-building geek. The SWG website is nearly done. It is actually uploaded and everything, I just have to tinker with small things like encrypting my email address on the contact information, et cetera. But it will debut on 1 May, in the SWG newsletter. Poor Bobby has had to listen to me squeeing about it for days.

After we get back from Puerto Rico, I will be buying a domain name for SWG along with Nelyo's Custom Confections (my business),, and the Ellicott City Paranormal Society (Bobby's latest project). Until then, all this stuff will live on a free Geocities account.

Tonight, I have a skating practice. The show is only a month did that happen? Well, I know all of my routines to the point where I could do them in my sleep. (Seriously, it's becoming annoying having to learn the group number again every frikkin' week because certain eejits can never come to practice.) The solo has been learned, just add ham. ;) It's probably the most challenging solo I've ever done before, and unlike other years--where my philosophy was to survive the solo more so than excel at it--I really want to do it well this year. Land my jumps, hold all of my spins, get all of my footwork done properly. Well, we'll see in a month.

Now, I have six-and-a-half hours to play with. And so much to do! So I will slip quietly back into relative lurkdom now.

daily life

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