AMC--Chapter Fifty-One

Apr 21, 2006 08:33

I have decided to divide the last part of AMC into two posts. It is simply too long for a single posting, and I wish also to tinker a bit with next week's chapter, as there is a rather important event that deserves more attention than I--in the rush of finishing a 350K-word novel--was willing to give it at first ( Read more... )


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rhapsody11 April 21 2006, 15:25:35 UTC

and Macalaurë emerges, his tunic half unlaced and his chest damp, to join us in the shade.

yeah baby!

and he hasn’t even the chance to finish his thought before Atar is leaping from the ground, tearing his tunic over his head, and racing to tumble into the fountain with his two youngest sons, who shriek with joy


tearing off my tunic as I go, and splash into the fountain before remembering that I still wear my boots.

Sweet Eru...

“You are both mad!” comes the shout from Macalaurë, across the garden, but it is only a few minutes before he has joined us,

Are you trying to kill me LOL I need a cold drink, no shower..

Ah and much Tyelko goodness, I especially loved this bit

“Fireflies,” Tyelkormo counters, his voice surprisingly faint, his head outside of the circle, “for they are tangible. Stars are not tangible.” I see a deeper darkness quivering against his shadowy hands, as the moth plays its feather-soft wings against his skin.

Not only this visual is great, but the foreshadowing is giving me the chills. The brief moment between Tyelkormo and Maitimo was just magnificent, Turko slowly starts to stand on his own.

And there are so many more beautoful moments that follow, Maedhros observation and sudden realisation that Maglor has left his childhood behind him, the bantering between the two. But, this... oh.. *snif*

I close my eyes, lulled by the contented rhythm of Macalaurë’s breathing, and wait for dreams to come. I remember his words: I have forgotten the meaning of the pain.

Squeezing his fingers, gently, so not to wake him, I whisper, “May you never remember it.

And this, oh my Dawn! I need to get to that festival!

the shadowy corners where the fingers of firelight do not probe, the dizzying wines and the feeling of silk on my skin, parted aside to make way for warm lips and fingers to explore the flesh beneath. “Do you even wear undergarments?” Macalaurë had teased-slightly scathing and slightly exasperated-after the Festival last year, and I had laughed and said, “Well, our ancestors did not. I am staying true to history.”

Naughty naughty Maedhros... me like!

But this Dawn, this part, before you wrote that Maedhros would go as fire and I went: yeah that suits him, why not. But when I read this:

Well, all fire falls to the same fate, I suppose. It is either snuffed or it burns itself into exhausted nothingness: Regardless, it is ephemeral and destined to die. It is the existence prior to disintegrating to cold cinders that matters. It gives life and warmth and aids productivity-or it consumes and destroys, taking everything, perhaps, in anger of its own eventual demise.

I never thought about his actual fate, the death he will face since he will cast himself into the furnace of the earth.... just.. *thud*

The encounter between Rumil and Maedhros, seeing his own face on Rumil, his struggle, his mother's struggle, but Carnistir's reaction was so pure and natural (also in the bath where he kept on insisting that Rumil was pretty)... just beautiful Dawn!


dawn_felagund April 21 2006, 16:46:11 UTC
Are you trying to kill me LOL I need a cold drink, no shower..

*evol snicker*
*proffers cold drink*

Yes, the fountain part seem to have been quite popular. I think it would provide a nice visual in AMC: The Movie. ;)

Not only this visual is great, but the foreshadowing is giving me the chills. The brief moment between Tyelkormo and Maitimo was just magnificent, Turko slowly starts to stand on his own.

Yep, Turko grows up a lot in this story. :) At the beginning, he only wanted to cling to his father and his Nelyo; now he has started to realize that he is different from them, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Only he will have to be a bit more independent in order to fully realize his potential.

But, this... oh.. *snif*

I added that this morning too because I didn't like the abrupt ending to that section. I'm glad that I did. :)

And this, oh my Dawn! I need to get to that festival!

You and me both! But we'll get to go next week in the story, at least. ;)

(And next week's chapter is rated adult.... >:^D)

I never thought about his actual fate, the death he will face since he will cast himself into the furnace of the earth.... just.. *thud*

One of the first things I wrote about The Silmarillion is what might roughly be called an essay, shortly after reading it, about the meaning of the symbol of fire as it is attached to Feanor and his family. It exists only in an old writer's notebook; I never typed it and I dread to think of how awful it may be! But I think it's such an appropriate comparison, and that's what inspired these sorts of passages.

Feanor and his family began as such an asset to the world but soon raged out of control, taking a lot with them. A lot like fire, I think. :)

The encounter between Rumil and Maedhros, seeing his own face on Rumil, his struggle, his mother's struggle, but Carnistir's reaction was so pure and natural (also in the bath where he kept on insisting that Rumil was pretty)... just beautiful Dawn!

Thank you. :) I love those two--Rumil and Carni--so much since writing them.

(Btw, I don't know if you saw it since I didn't see you around when it was posted, but if you remember that plotbunny you gave me about how Carnistir might perceive a writer? As he perceives music notes like gnats around Macalaure? I did write a story on that eventually, and it deals with Carni's relationship with Rumil. So I wanted to give you a belated thank you for handing me that bunny and inspiring that story!)

And thank you, as always, for your kind and wonderful review. This has been such a wonderful, unexpected surprise. :)


rhapsody11 April 21 2006, 22:11:46 UTC
Yes, the fountain part seem to have been quite popular. I think it would provide a nice visual in AMC: The Movie. ;)

Can I get on the pay roll for that? LOL But what you write is a great visual Dawn. The first line about yummy Maglor made my dirty mind all wubble and at the end I had to retrieve it out of the gutter ;)

Yep, Turko grows up a lot in this story. :) At the beginning, he only wanted to cling to his father and his Nelyo; now he has started to realize that he is different from them, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Only he will have to be a bit more independent in order to fully realize his potential.

Ah yeah, but still, you know :) He's growing up so fast... oh and another thing that made me wonder a bit... Him and dressed up as a deer... with antlers. It made me think about celtic legend about the young stag defeating the old stag when the young stag is old enough... I thought, how typical. It might be far-fetched, so ignore my rambling.

You and me both! But we'll get to go next week in the story, at least. ;)

Check. Hmmm what will you be wearing?

(And next week's chapter is rated adult.... >:^D)

\o/ my motto "a dirty mind is such a terrible thing to waste"

Feanor and his family began as such an asset to the world but soon raged out of control, taking a lot with them. A lot like fire, I think. :)

And on many levels.

(Btw, I don't know if you saw it since I didn't see you around when it was posted, but if you remember that plotbunny you gave me about how Carnistir might perceive a writer? As he perceives music notes like gnats around Macalaure? I did write a story on that eventually, and it deals with Carni's relationship with Rumil. So I wanted to give you a belated thank you for handing me that bunny and inspiring that story!)

I remember it, but I am trying to catch up with reading :) Can't wait to read it! Maybe my comments should come with a text: warning, this comment may sic many plot bunnies on you. Commenter can't be held responsible for any lost hours in the night because one absolutely has to write it!

This has been such a wonderful, unexpected surprise. :)

Thanks for giving us our weekly dosage of AMC. :c) I always look forward to it! Oh and I didn't had that much time, but I will get back at you for the comments on the other chapters... o.O..


dawn_felagund April 22 2006, 02:48:45 UTC
It made me think about celtic legend about the young stag defeating the old stag when the young stag is old enough... I thought, how typical. It might be far-fetched, so ignore my rambling.

Hey, I think that's kind of cool. I'm not familiar with Celtic legends, so I'd never heard it before. :)

Check. Hmmm what will you be wearing?

As little as possible.

*AHEM* What I meant to say was maybe just the traditional little black dress? ;)

Oh and I didn't had that much time, but I will get back at you for the comments on the other chapters... o.O..

That's okay 'cause I'm still catching up on yours too! It's been a busy week, but I'm looking forward to a long, leisurely weekend with some catch-up time. :)


rhapsody11 April 27 2006, 20:34:39 UTC
Hey, I think that's kind of cool. I'm not familiar with Celtic legends, so I'd never heard it before. :)

Well, you see there is the Bard part of me surfacing ;) It's really interesting.

*AHEM* What I meant to say was maybe just the traditional little black dress? ;)

A Carni's babysit ;) If he goes as a shadow... ;c) The perfect excuse to whoops end up in Nelyo's lap LOL


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