AMC--Chapter Fifty

Apr 14, 2006 09:39

AMC is the big 5-0! Woohoo ( Read more... )


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dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 18:15:47 UTC
(Ahem! Are you sure it's Rumil, and not...say, you, going to the feast disguised as Teh Precious? If it were me, Feany would have made me a mask of his beautiful face.)

If it were me, I'd go in a mask of Annawende. And take proper advantage of the deception. >:^))

I'll tell you, Maitimo has got everything it takes to make a great father. Pity he does not get the chance to actually become one.

Yes, pity all the missed opportunities of writing begetting scenes.

*AHEM* What I meant to say was that I totally agree with you. And while my characters seem to involve their own personalities independent of what I want them to be at times, that Nelyo should be a nurturing person was one thing that I did very intentionally. I think that it helps to explain a lot of later history, including why he wasn't rescued from Thangorodrim. (I've always held that he ordered his brothers not to pursue him if he did not return. One of my biggest peeves is stories where the brothers are too cowardly or obsessed with the Silmarils to go after him. I mean, really!) And the fact that he seems to wield some version of control over "certain brothers" (*cough* the3Cs! *cough*) has always suggested to me that they had a great deal of love and respect for him.

Hence this story, in part. AMC started as an attempt to explain the Feanorian's history, after all. (And grew...and grew...and grew... ;^D) Besides, despite pretending to be a hardass sometimes, I'm really a wubbly sentimental fool. ;)

But Maitimo and Feanaro... Dawn, what are you doing to me?

*wicked cackle*

It's funny because there's certain online friends who's buttons I know so well how to push.

For example, I knew that Rhapsody would get all nuts over Macalaure in a towel.

I suspect that Jenni will say something naughty about Maitimo and Fin in bed together and how she's glad that I keep mentioning how young he is lest it be "taken the wrong way."

And you...I read that part, rubbed my hands together in evol glee, cackled with wicked delight, and thought, "I'm going to have Alina here!" >:^))

And you did not disappoint. ;)

It's one of my favorite parts too. I mean, Feanor kisses Mae's ear. His ear! I want to kiss Mae's ear! The hell with his other parts, just gimme his ear! (Attached to his body, of course; I'm not Morgoth or anything.) I have a little thing for ears you know! :^P

(On a completely unrelated note, my boss just left and said to me, "Mary Sue ain't got nothing on you!" Mary Sue is an American candy company and he was referring to my Easter candy, but--given what I was typing [and thinking about] when he said it--it seemed hilariously appropriate!)

This is one of my favorite chapters, for sure. And I hope you break up next week's post in two.

Yay! It's one of my favorites too. :)

I'm going to try to break up next week's post. I think that ~20 pages is waaaaay too long of a posting. And I want to prolong it too. :)


ann_arien April 14 2006, 18:58:42 UTC
I've always held that he ordered his brothers not to pursue him if he did not return. One of my biggest peeves is stories where the brothers are too cowardly or obsessed with the Silmarils to go after him. I mean, really!) And the fact that he seems to wield some version of control over "certain brothers" (*cough* the3Cs! *cough*) has always suggested to me that they had a great deal of love and respect for him.

Oh, indeed! It irks me to bits, when the "cowards" card is pulled out on the brothers. Like, hello! How does Maitimo's imprisonment or even death help with getting back the Silmarils. It never fails to amaze me how people ignore the fact that the brothers must have felt even more lost and miserable without Maitimo, since the younger ones certainly would have looked up to him as they would to a second father. It just goes to prove that, after they get Maitimo back, despite the three Cs being totally against his decision to give up the Kingship, they all fallow him Eastward, they all answer to his summons and they probably go to him for comfort and the sense of security.

Yea, he would make an excellent father. But why bother, when you've got 6 brothers to look after eh?

And you...I read that part, rubbed my hands together in evol glee, cackled with wicked delight, and thought, "I'm going to have Alina here!" >:^))

You evol woman, you! You had me, all right! And you're making me want to write them again, time and one pesky Erestor muse backing off, provided.

The hell with his other parts, just gimme his ear! (Attached to his body, of course; I'm not Morgoth or anything.)

ROFL! Ha! If Morgoth gets his right hand and you get his ear(s), can I have the rest of him? Gah, he'll soon be called Mishaped One, if I keep doing this.

*sigh* The Nelyo muse just stormed off, saying that he never wants to hear about me again, let alone talk to me. Pfft! Prissy Elf with no (morbid) sense of humor.

I mean, Feanor kisses Mae's ear. His ear! I want to kiss Mae's ear!

Me too! *ahem* I want to be at the receiving end of those kisses. Oh, Mandos, can I just be sandwiched between them? I'll ignore Maitimo, I promise. (yea, right...)

I'm going to try to break up next week's post. I think that ~20 pages is waaaaay too long of a posting. And I want to prolong it too. :)

You do that. I'm not quite prepared for Teh End, either.


dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 22:44:46 UTC
ROFL! Ha! If Morgoth gets his right hand and you get his ear(s), can I have the rest of him? Gah, he'll soon be called Mishaped One, if I keep doing this.

Eek! I only want them attached to his body! *silently weeps for her Nelyo*

Btw, Nelyo-the-unicorn-and-company-mascot is also glaring at you. (That's him in the icon!) ;)

You do that. I'm not quite prepared for Teh End, either.

It sounds kinda cheesy to say, "AMC changed my life!" but really, it has.

I was a nobody, a chronic lurker, until I got my gumption to post a chapter and enismirdal gave me that little nudge of encouragement to post more...and the rest is history. It's been a wild nine months, and I've met friends I never imagined having. And gotten a lot of confidence too. And learned a lot. :)

So it's kind of sad to let go, even as I'm happy to have time to devote to new projects.

But I will be revising AMC and posting it in bona fide archives, so it's never really finished. And there's always stories wanting to be written. :)

Some days, I feel like the words are exploding from my head! (Like now, when I didn't get to work on your story today and left it at work since I have a ton of candy to finish this weekend and no time for distraction. :^/ If only chocolates burst from my head in the same fashion!)

To jump around, regarding people's disregard of Feany & Sons, I have come to the conclusion that some people just want to hate them. And nothing you say or write will change their minds. I have debated with people on email lists about Feanor's reasons for what he did and--a few weeks later--seen the same person post the same ignorant drivel as before. Not that I'm saying that people aren't entitled to think and feel what they want or that I am Teh Gospel, but it strikes me that they'd rather look at him as an evil character rather than a flawed, rounded character. They'd rather dismiss him as "oh, he's just a bad seed" than say "hey, bad shit happened to him, he didn't respond as nicely as he might have, but you know, he wasn't entirely to blame." Not that this forgives the Kinslaying or Losgar or the Oath or any of that...but some people like to dismiss him as "oh, he was prideful, he would have done those things no matter what," without accounting his mother's death, the actions of the Valar, Finwe's murder et al. No, it's all Feanor; the fault is all Feanor.

I just don't see the appeal of placing characters as flat and evil. To me, even characters that I despise (like Melkor), I want to know why they did what they did. That doesn't mean that I agree with what they did--as I do not agree with the Kinslaying, et cetera--but I want to know why.

Where's the fun of flat, evil characters? I can write that guy in three words: "He is/was evil." That's all there is to the story.

Now the evolution of a good person into evil deeds, that's interesting to me. Because that could be any one of us, given the right conditions.

So I've learned to ignore certain people and their drivel about the Feanorians. I try to discuss it once, but when it becomes clear that they don't want to see a character beyond black/white, good/evil, to Mandos with it.

Sorry for the rant. This is a sore spot from me, as you can tell. ;)


rhapsody11 April 16 2006, 18:45:41 UTC
To jump around, regarding people's disregard of Feany & Sons, I have come to the conclusion that some people just want to hate them. And nothing you say or write will change their minds. I have debated with people on email lists about Feanor's reasons for what he did and--a few weeks later--seen the same person post the same ignorant drivel as before

I think people need the guarantee in life to know that people are just purely evil. I see this happening for example with Celegorm. To most, he is just pure evol... but is he truly? How much is he not driven by circumstances or fate to do things? Sure he stirred up his brothers often, but didn't they all jumped up suddenly as well?

I often wonder what people think of tv shows like Buffy or Angel, especially Angel. Angel is a character that is beige/grey. I'd bet they burn that show down as well....


dawn_felagund April 17 2006, 15:13:27 UTC
Personally, I do not believe that Elves can be evil. I think that it is against their nature...and especially Elves of Aman, as Celegorm is.

So all these "Celegorm/Feanor/Caranthir/fill-in-the-Elf-of-your-choice is evil!" people, I think, are missing a big point of the story. That might sound pompous to say, but it is truly how I feel. I see what happens to Celegorm or Feanor or Maeglin as less an instance of "OMG, he must be evil!" than an opportunity to understand why he did evil deeds...which is a good learning experience, I think. Because this is what happens in real life too. To borrow the popular phrase, one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter. Issues are simply not black and white.

Which is why I love these characters so much. I chose to start the story from Celegorm's PoV because I saw him as the most villainized of the Feanorians, and I wanted to redeem him a bit, make readers stop and think about his history and his motivations and why he committed evil acts rather than simply acknowledging that he did and believing that there is nothing more to the story.

Angel is a character that is beige/grey. I'd bet they burn that show down as well....

I'm sure. Personally, I love characters like that. I love it when I despise a character but still sympathize with him. Hats off to any writer who can do that; it is a fine line to walk. :)


rhapsody11 April 17 2006, 20:01:04 UTC
I see what happens to Celegorm or Feanor or Maeglin as less an instance of "OMG, he must be evil!" than an opportunity to understand why he did evil deeds...which is a good learning experience, I think.

Yes I agree. When you take a closer look at mythology, you see even the greatest hero's are making tragic mistakes. The way you were raised, in which family you were born, what happened in your life so far simply forms you to what you are now. Even Melkor was a parenting mistake by Eru, because was Melkor truly evil in the beginning. Is there a true good or evil anyway?

For me AMC is a good story where I love to direct people to to show them the other side of Celegorm. I also try to show that in Requiem... Another good example is Maglor. Pictured as the most gentlest one, the one with a conscience. But yet he kills, murders and brutally slays Uldor on the battlefield. If you know the why... he comes to life to you, a multifaceted character. Well both of them, that is why I like writing those two a lot.

Hats off to any writer who can do that; it is a fine line to walk. :)

Joss Whedon rawks.


rhapsody11 April 17 2006, 20:02:40 UTC
ack... it is supposed to be read like this:

Even Melkor was a parenting mistake by Eru, because was Melkor truly evil in the beginning?


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