AMC--Chapter Forty-Nine

Apr 07, 2006 08:30

This week's chapter continues from the PoV of Maitimo. Last week, when we left, Maitimo sought news of Annawende and was going to first visit Vorondil to see if he had word, then use the seeing-stone. This week's chapter picks up in Vorondil's cabin and details the outcome of this excursion ( Read more... )


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dawn_felagund April 7 2006, 16:14:38 UTC
First of all, thank you for all of your nice words, as always! :) And the looooong comment. *loves long comments*

I understand him, to some extent, because I do this too, sometimes, but I also have to agree with what frenchpony has said: that Maitimo may very well have lost himself while trying to meet everybody's needs and expectations.

That's what I was going for. He is a gifted leader...yet he has never led anyone but his silly little brothers. How can he? As I said in the reply to frenchpony, the whole family is stuck in the shadow of Feanaro at this point. Maitimo--knowing that his father is superior in craft and intellect, that he will never be exceled--then feels it right that he follows what Feanaro wants him to do. Hence taking the exams that mean so little to him at a really crappy point in his life when he should have just put them off for another year, until he'd healed more.

The next story in the sequence deals a lot more with this. (The story I wrote for frenchpony for Hanukkah--"Essecarme"--has some spoilers in it for the next story. ;^D)

The only better way to picture this would be actually seeing it. (which I would not mind at all)

Me neither! >;^D

Awww! *huggles Arafinwe* That's so cute!

I feel bad for Arafinwe, imagining him trying to keep up with his brothers' discussions. *huggles Arafinwe too*

coughMEcough >;)

That's it. It's getting added to the list. ;)

And so it begins... *sigh*

Yep. That's what this story is: to bring us to the point where things start to happen. (Other than Maitimo's broken heart and Macalaure's music recital et al. ;^D)

I can't believe that there is so little left to go and only three more postings (I think). But, like you said, the story goes on, both after and before this one year that you've followed our favorite characters. And I will be reading and writing fanfic in my fifties!

There are three sections--two chapters and an epilogue--left. Because the epilogue is really short, I'm going to post it on the same day as the last chapter. So two weeks.

Wow. How did that happen? :)

I hope you and I are both reading and writing that long. I'd love to finish this series some day. When I think of it now, it seems such a gargantuan effort...but I have twenty-five years to fifty, I guess. ;)


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