5 year plan

Aug 18, 2005 19:18

The other dau I was talking to Jenny and then my dad and I realized that I do have a 5 year plan, kind of, that is reachable. Here we go;

For the next three years I'm going to continue to work as a teacher's aid at Wolf Swamp Road School in Longmeadow, MA. Once I graduate from Bay Path, I'll work that summer and save up money so I can get an apartment come fall with a roommate, most likely Jasmine. *If she still wants to teach in Longmeadow or that area.* I'll apply at Wolf Swamp Road School and most likely get a job there since I'll have worked there for 4 years prior to that and you basically need to know people to get hired. Plus everyone there loves me and told me to keep working there so I can get a job there as a teacher. *crosses fingers* Once I get a job there, I'll be getting nice sized paychecks and will be able to afford sharing an apt., get a car, and be able to start living on my own, with a roommate. After a few years I can always teach at a different school. Who knows, but that is my new '5 year plan'... at least I have somewhat of an idea of what I'll do after college. phew that was a lot. lol.

I should find out how I did on my MTEL test in a week or two!!!
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