Second post in almost as many weeks. I'm getting better!
Update: Gods willing, I'll be in
Waterloo come September and not
Edmonton. And by gods, I mean university administration.
The approximate reasoning for this sudden change of direction is that the stuff I'll be studying at Waterloo will actually get me up in the morning, which is pretty important to me. (I guess that makes me a subscriber to
Florida's American dream. As a second-generation immigrant, I feel oddly compelled to do so.)
As one who is a bit of a tech-head and a worshipper at the altar of science, a
recent article in Report on Business struck a lot of chords with me. Among them is the reason why I'm attracted to Waterloo, that is the fact that they're working on something that's new. And not new as in making a better widget that can do a few more tricks and improves upon a previous design, but new as in working on a whole different kind of widget altogether. Entirely new.
There's an appeal to being able to stand on the edge of technology to see what you can see, and maybe be one of the lucky ones to be a real contributor and lay the groundwork for what's to come. Being able to be a 1.x is very sexy. (I'm definitely too late for 1.0 already.)