I'm famous on facebook bumper stickers and no one knows :[

May 25, 2008 03:15

Apparently some girl I don't know from London uploaded a caricature I drew of myself and wearier-love posing the age-old question.

It's on the page of "most recently liked" bumper stickers, and gets about 60 more every five minutes. Jessica (on here) just randomly happened to receive it from a friend, that friend not knowing me or knowing that Jessica knew who drew it.

At the time of writing, it's over 3700.. and accounting for the fact that most bumper stickers are sent to people (rather than putting on your own profile), that means probably about 5000 people liked my drawing enough to put it on their profile / send it to others, and don't even know who I am!

The message feature isn't working on Facebook, so I added her as a friend to try and figure out where she found the picture, and why she didn't choose to ask me if she could use it.

This is so crazy, man.
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